Sunday, May 14, 2017

Barnes Bucks

On May first Mrs. Barnes introduced her class to Barnes bucks. Barnes bucks a 5B tradition are a dollor bill with Mrs. Barnes face on it. There are various ways to get Barnes bucks you can post blog comment are add to their padlet. Some people are way ahead because of Homework Passes every homework pass you didn't use is worth 20 Barnes Bucks. Ceci claims "I'm behind but, I'm hoping that I can earn some at the auction." The auction is a three day long period where Barnes student can bring in one item each day and auction it off. Many kids are all ready thinking about ideas. Sara said "I'm going to sell my fidigit spinner." Mrs.Barnes is planning on selling items that have more classroom value like the ruler she used to attack Ava. Barnes Bucks have been interesting and everyone is exited for the auction on May 25th till then Barnes goers will have to wait. So stay cool out there. Happy summer!

Friday, May 12, 2017

Chemistry By Pepper


In the month of April, The class of 5B had a chemistry unit in science class. 5B would go to chemistry daily, When they arrived to the awesome science lab at their school, Class begins.

5B starts class off by greeting their science teacher. They would find out what experiment would occur that day, gather materials and begin instructions. What 5B mainly did was experimenting with solutions and mixtures. They would make a saturated solution, Separate the extra solid that didn’t dissolve and put a small amount of solution in an evaporation dish to evaporate the water and check the crystals the next day. “It was fun cause we did a lot of experiments.” Allison said.

5B will always remember how much fun it was doing chemistry being the only grade that does this unit. But the question still remains: Will they ever do chemistry again?

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Breakout EDU

Breakout EDU
“YES!” one group shouted from inside a classroom in Glenridge Elementary School. They had gotten the box open. The other groups started scrambling for 2nd place. Mrs. Barnes’s 5th grade class were trying to break into a small wooden box “save America”. It was a revolutionary war themed breakout. But it was April 2017 But they were actually trying to break in.
There were a series of locks that they had to break, using their revolutionary war knowledge. They had 50 minutes to break into the box before the “evil madman came back with the final piece to his time machine and would go back in time and make Great Britain win the war. 5B may have been running a little late, but they still saved America.
Next time, when Mrs. McQueen’s class does it they will hopefully be able to save America too with their knowledge of the American Revolution.

Good Luck!!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Robotics Field Trip by Breyanna

 Robotics field trip
So first we went on the bus and the whole ride there we were singing bus songs and asking people to dab for us. So after we got off the bus we went inside and looked at robots and how they made them and then we started collecting buttons like pens and we got a bunch of them. And then we went and seen the clayton robotics group and we were in lyrics grandma group and she took a lot of pictures so then we went and went to the other robotics room and this team made a robot that trains horses and then we went and seen a little bit of robotics battle and it was red team vs blue team and red team won and then we went to leave and it was a little bit of rain then alot so we ran to the bus soaking wet and then we left


Map testing by Quinn

 Map Testing

Through the school week of April 24-28 3rd 4th and 5th graders at Glenridge elementary school did the Measure of Academic Progress test (MAP)in the state of Missouri.Glenridge was not the only one to do it however.Schools across the state of Missouri took part of the test.Schools have different weeks so not all of the school in Missouri did it as the same week as Glenridge but still did it on a different week.There was Reading,Science,Math, and Literacy.The 5th grade took the test all week except Wednesday.3rd had two days and 4th had 3 or 2 days.After they were finished with the first test(there were 3 tests for Science and math and reading however Literacy had only one which was writing a paragraph)kids would eat their snack and get ready for the next.Some kids were tested with adults with MacBooks but the ones who did not go stayed with the teacher and used ChromeBooks.That is how map testing went at Glenridge Elementary School.

Eco Art by Ava

It’s April 20, 2017, at Glenridge Elementary school. 5th Graders instructed there claymo groups to make eco art for Earth day. Andy Goldsworthy inspired his art on nature. If claymo leaders choose Andy they would go outside and make art with natural materials around glenridge. If they Claymo leaders choose Louse, they would stay inside and make a sculpture with recycled materials.

Here are some quotes from 5th grade leaders. “I thought it was a fun way to make eco art with our claymo groups” Liam said. Here is a Claymo leader who had different thoughts. Cha Cha said “It was boring, the kinder gardeners were being bad”.

Overall it was a very creative way to bond with our claymo groups.

Great nursery rhyme disaster by Sophie

It was may 3rd, 2017. Sing me a story, the great nursery rhyme disaster. Little miss muffet was bored. So she decided to go be in other people’s rhymes and ends up ruining them. It was a great play. The actors were very precise and remembered all of their lines. They had to do their play 2 times- for the school and parents. They both loved it.
After the play was over, many 5th graders went to a place called Andy’s ice cream. Some people got banana splits, other chocolate concrets. They had a great time.