Friday, September 30, 2016

News Story by Adam

 1st CLAYMO success
by. Adam

The teacher along with the leaders were checking to see if everyone was in the room and ready for the first CLAYMO of the 2016-2017 year at Glenridge. Once that was done the CLAYMO leaders started to introduce themselves to their new CLAYMO group Varoon started with a basic “ Welcome to your CLAYMO group, I will be one of your CLAYMO leaders this year.” all of the CLAYMO leaders did the same, after that the leaders passed around the microphone to each student in A1’s CLAYMO group and they would say their name, grade, teacher, and favorite subject in school. They started with the teacher ( Mrs. Bikert ) and then Luke so on so forth. So far the CLAYMO was going GREAT. Now was the hard part: actually telling them about their biggest challenge yet… making a newspaper tower with newspaper ( obviously ) and masking tape, they couldn't attach it to anything and it had to be a free standing tower. They would get 5 min to plan and then 10 min to build. The leaders split them up into two groups and the leaders gave them a scratch piece of paper to plan on. “ The timer starts NOW” said the leaders in A1 as they walked around to observe the thinking of the builders. The teams got this done pretty quickly and got to the building. At first group 1 was having some trouble but redesigned and kept building meanwhile group two was excelling they had it at least three feet but group 1 was building theirs just as high and then suddenly PLOP! Group 1’s tower had fallen over! Then PLOP! So had group 2’s. “ 5,4,3,2,1 hands up” both teams towers had fallen over when they measured group 1’s tower was… seven inches tall and group 2’s was …….. Nine inches tall. In Luke’s group Luke was saying good job to his team ( team 1 ). The fifth grade and their CLAYMO groups will continue to succeed in every task that the teachers throw at them for the next month and the whole year.

Threw out the class in 5B 12 people said that their CLAYMO was a success and 5 people said it didn’t go how they wanted it to go.|   

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