Tuesday, January 31, 2017

5th grade Ski Trip By Adam and Eliot

Ski field trip
 By Eliot and Adam

It was a nice day on January 12, 2017. 5th grade at Glenridge and Captain got to go on the best  field trip of their life! They went to the Hidden Valley Ski Resort where they got to ski all day.

First all the Glenridge and Captain kids got to go on the bus to Hidden Valley in Eureka Missouri. Where they had to get their ski boots and skis. Some kids said it smelled really bad in the room with all of the boots, and it did.

There were 7 stations that the students had to go thru. The first station was learning what to do and what not to do. The second station was putting on your skis and learning how to duck walk to the next station. The third station was walk sideways to the third station. The fourth station was to learn how to pizza stop to the magic carpet. The fifth station was to go up the magic carpet and going down a small hill using the pizza stop over and over again. The sixth station was to go thru the same station but weave thru cones using the pizza as an arrow. The seventh station was where the students had to go thru a series of uneven curves that they had to weave thru.After they completed all of the stations they got to free ski the rest of the day.Captain had lunch at 12:00 and Glenridge had lunch at 12:30. The People that ran the ski resort opened the black diamond after everybody ate lunch and then kids were zooming down the black diamond if you got an upgrade on your ski lift sticker.

Some people like Eliot said “It was fun and enjoyable” Adam says “It was the best field trip ever” he also says “I wants to go back”Rhadi said “It was too hard I kept falling.”Liam said “ It was a good way to enjoy the day.”

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