Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Ski Trip

   Ski Trip Extravaganza
   By Christian and Evan

On January 12, 2017 the 5th grade students of Captain and Glenridge went on a skiing field trip to Hidden Valley for the school day. They had to come at 8:00 and they left at about 8:15. The bus ride lasted almost 45 minutes and when they got there, they waited for instructions. After they left the building, they went to a large storage room to get their ski boots. The first people to get their ski boots on were lucky because they got to go out earlier. Then, there were stations you had to go through to be able to ski freely. Some of the stations (there were 7) were walking with skis, skiing down slopes and skiing through obstacles (cones). “It was really fun even though it was a lot of peoples first time” says Liam, a Glenridge student. When the were done with the 7th station, they went into free skiing. Some people did the Black Diamond: is a huge slope and you need a purple ticket to go on it. “It’s scary!” says Christian. There is a few ski lifts so once you go down a hill, you can ride it back up to the top of the slope. For many first-timers, they fell down a lot but they got back on their feet.


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