Monday, October 3, 2016

News Story by Liam F.

Boy gets first phone and goes crazy?

On September 7, In Saint Louis Missouri 11 year old boy got his first phone and went crazy over it.
When he was almost done opening presents, He saw something that made him open the packaging to a boomerang his dad got him. When he was done, something fell on the ground. His family gasped. When he picked it up it felt like ceramic until he saw through the paper.He started to go crazy and wanted to set it up as fast as possible. “NO NO NO, YOU DID NOT GET ME THIS!” Liam shouted. He got so excited his head hurt.

 Liam said “I have been asking for a phone forever.” He told his parents that he has to get it sooner than later. All 4 of his parents were in on it.
That night Liam got no sleep.


  1. Where you tired the next morning?

  2. Awesome!!! What type of phone was it?"

  3. Awesome!!! What type of phone was it?"
