Monday, October 31, 2016

Fraction Action Fraction Friction by sage

Fraction Action Fraction Friction
By Sage

During math In 5B fifth grade classroom Mrs. Barnes was calling names to play FAFF (Fraction Action Fraction Friction). Everyone had a partner but Sage and Adam. Sage started to worry since you play in groups of three there would not be enough people in her group.  Mrs. Barnes pulls out the last sticks and says “Sage, Adam and, me"

Sage and Mrs. Barnes went over to Adam’s table and then Mrs. Barnes passed out the cards. Everyone had played this before and last time Sage played she won so she was feeling pretty confident.

To play FAFF you have a deck of cards with fractions on them. They can all be converted to twelfths so they were all cards like ½, ⅔ or ⅚. FAFF is kind of like the game Blackjack but you don’t want to go over 2. So if on the first turn you get ½ you say Action and you get another card. Once you get close to two you say Friction.

Sage, Adam and, Mrs. Barnes started to play FAFF. Sage, Adam and Mrs.Barnes took turns dealing. It got very intense and when they were playing they got a few exactly twos which is a big deal. Sage was very sad because whenever she got close to two like one and ⅚ someone else would have two exactly. Sage got very annoyed by that.

“I got frustrated because Mrs. Barnes kept winning. But it made me determined” Says Adam

“Fun but a little confusing at first” says Claire however she didn’t play FAFF with Sage, Adam and, Mrs. Barnes.

“I should go to vegas” Mrs. Barnes said because she had beat Sage and Adam.

If you have played FAFF did you like it? Would you ever consider playing it if you hadn't? I hope so because Sage thinks it is very fun.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Sage! This is an amazing article about FAFF. I love the last quote Mrs. Barnes said. "I should go to vegas." If you got to choose your parteners, who would they be?
