Friday, October 28, 2016

Unity Day By Cha Cha

Unity Day

Unity day is a day when we stand together to prevent bullying. This day is on October 19th every year. The world like to do this so that people who get bullied can stand up for themselves and know how to take care of themselves. Also others can stand up for them too. The bully can also learn a lesson from this  day. Maybe the bully is not intensely bullying but maybe on this day they can realize that they are hurting someone else. Other people think this. Sophie says “bullies won’t listen about unity day because they do what they want to do. Christian says, ”Two thumbs up!” Macy says, ”It is fun.” And who would not like unity day. This shows how people want to help stop the bullying. In the future we can stand up for bullying and help even more.

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