Monday, October 31, 2016

Book Groups

Book groups
            By Evan

  Book Groups in 5B in October are finishing their 1st book group book and starting their second book. What will their next book group book be ? Evan’s book group book was going to be “Fire girl” but they didn’t have enough copies so their teacher Mrs. Barnes gives them choices “Here are your choices!”
“What book do you guys want to read?” asks Evan.
“How about this one?”
The group members continue to discuss. “I actually want this one. ‘Stargirl’” says book group member Sage.
“I really liked how me and my friends can discuss parts of the book that are good or bad.” Says Evan.

After this book, the book groups will stop doing book groups. Books includ “Loser” “Eleven” and a variety of books by Jerry Spinelli. All the 5th grade classrooms are doing this at glenridge elementary school. What will their next unit be?    

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