Monday, November 7, 2016

October article by Eliot

                                     Art   class
                                                                     By Eliot

It was a B day - basically how the school organizes our specials.  B day is an art day.   So after math and discovery the  class (5B) went downstairs to the bottom floor and lined up at the art room door.  Mrs. Oliver, the art teacher, greeted us as we came into the art room.  She always says, “Good morning!” or “How are you doing?” or “Hi.”

The class sat down at their tables and then when Mrs. Oliver walked into the room she told us what we were going to do for the lesson, and the lesson was creating linoleum designs and then printing the linoleum  design with ink on a piece of paper.    Mrs. Oliver showed us how to create a design and transfer the design from the paper to the linoleum.  So once the class finished their designs they gathered around the table and watched Mrs. Oliver carve out her linoleum design and teach  the class how to do that. So then the class went back to their tables and took the tool Mrs. Oliver used to carve out her linoleum piece.

So Mrs. Oliver told the class not to carve towards us and keep our non-carving hand behind the carving hand so that we would not hurt ourselves, since the carving tool was really sharp.  So the class started carving and some children were still making their design for their linoleum piece.  

So the class carved  and carved and carved until Mrs. Oliver  said it was time to clean up so the class finished what they were on and  put their materials away  and put their linoleum pieces in the center of the table that the children sat at.  Mrs. Oliver dismissed each table to go outside to the playground for recess.

Evan said that it was really fun carving, Ian said that it was fun because it was satisfying, Cha Cha said that it was really fun because she got to use a sharp tool, and Adam said that it was the best art class ever!


  1. good job,way to be a fly on the wall

  2. good job,way to be a fly on the wall
