Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Eco Art by Ava

It’s April 20, 2017, at Glenridge Elementary school. 5th Graders instructed there claymo groups to make eco art for Earth day. Andy Goldsworthy inspired his art on nature. If claymo leaders choose Andy they would go outside and make art with natural materials around glenridge. If they Claymo leaders choose Louse, they would stay inside and make a sculpture with recycled materials.

Here are some quotes from 5th grade leaders. “I thought it was a fun way to make eco art with our claymo groups” Liam said. Here is a Claymo leader who had different thoughts. Cha Cha said “It was boring, the kinder gardeners were being bad”.

Overall it was a very creative way to bond with our claymo groups.


  1. ava I liked how you made the story seem very interesting

  2. I like all the quilts at the end. How was your group during eco art

  3. I like the quotes

  4. I like how you added that the claymo groups got to choice what they were going to do and also what each person did.
