Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Cha Cha Pizza Party November Blog

Pizza Party November Blog

“Woho” its 5 B's pizza party in November. 5B got this because they won a teamwork celebration. 5B was so excited for lunch that day. They all went out for recess.They swing on swings and slid down slides.
Until the bell rung and it was time to go inside. So they lined up outside the gate until it was time to eat.
Sage said “Their were not enough cheeto puffs.”
Stella said “I am sad that we did not get to finish the movie but we got to eat pizza and cupcakes.”
Sara says “I found it fun and interesting and liked the movie.”
5B went inside up to their classroom got their pizza got there soda got their cupcakes and cookies. Sat down at their desks.
Mrs.Barnes said “sit down kids we will be watching a movie called National Treasure.”They watched the movie and they did not get to finish it.  Maybe in the feature they will get another party like this.  


  1. I liked how you added many quotes. Maybe next time put the quotes after what happened at the party so the reader won't be confused.

  2. I like how you did the quotes the right way with a new pharagraph for each one. I also like how you added in a lot of detal like when you added Slid down slides. Good job! PS you spelled future wrong, you spelled feature.
