Wednesday, December 7, 2016

November News Story: Kids Vote

The day before US Election Day 2016 against Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton  Glenridge students voted for who will become president, senator, and attorney general for the United states of America on tablets in the makerspace. It gave the whole school a chance to feel the responsibility of voting.
Christian a fifth grader said, “We got the chance to vote which is exciting.” Lots of other fifth graders said yes mainly for the same reason as Christian. But, it started to become a problem when people started faking to like Trump or not giving a honest vote.
Ashleigh said, “Kid’s will make a joke and vote for Trump.” However Julianne claimed “Kid’s actually do want to vote for Trump. He’s doing a lot of things right.”  She continued by saying, “How did he win the real election if people want to vote for him?” Which seems true but, Ceci said to Julianne “What if it was all a joke?”
Most kids actually do follow in different footsteps as their parents when it comes to Trump. Lot of studies show that teens stay true to their parents most of the time. In total with all of Missouri kids vote %60 voted for Hillary, %33 voted Trump, and %7 voted for another candidate. But, at Glenridge Donald Trump won so most of us can’t wait for our new president elect Trump.


  1. I like how you added lots of quotes from multiple points of view.

  2. I liked how you added facts about the election. Maybe next time double check who won at Glenridge and add who else won at Glenridge.
