Friday, February 10, 2017

Ski Trip

  Ski Trip

The ski trip was very fun. The first thing we did is put on our ski shoes.After that we went out and we went to the lady to tell us what to do if we had a problem. So after we listen to the lady tell us what to do. A man went and guided us up the hill. When we were up the hill. He told us to go over to station 4. So we all went to station 4 and they were teaching us how to go down slopes and hills. When we got there if we did not get down the hill without falling. Then we had to go all the way to the top and do it again. For some people it took them three times.

So after you done with station 4 you go to station 5 and it is the same as station 4 but just a higher hill and you have to go through cones. Also the hill is higher so it is harder to go through the cones because you are going faster. And to go up to the top of the hill you have to go up on the elevator thing so you can go to the top. So you could just go down the hill or go through the cones. But the cones will get you to the other station just going down the is for fun. So most people past that level. So if you past that level than you go to station 6 and station six is the last level. And station 6 is basicly the same thing as 5. It,s just that station 6 hill is a little steeper.

Station 6 is the last station and this station is hard because how steep the hill is and you have to go through cones and sense it was hard to ski through cones in the first place it is hard now. And the snow was fake so is was going to be faster and harder to control. So after you were done skiing on station 6 then you can go and ski
wherever you want to go skiing but if you are yellow you can go on one hill if you are purple then you can go on two hills.


Hidden Valley

On January 12, 2017 all the fifth graders at Glenridge went to Hidden Valley Ski Resort in Eureka, Missouri. Kids went on a bus to the ski resort. Kids sat in the lobby and went to a shed where the ski equipment was. It was really hot in there since you had all your snow stuff on.

Then kids formed lines and jumped on their boots and then went to ski school. There were a lot of things you had to do. One of them was where staff members help you do the french fry pizza thing.

Another one was where you rode the magic carpet and ski down a short path. After you were done with ski school you could ski freely. At lunch they had pizza to eat and coke, powerade, and water to drink.

After lunch you could ski freely even if you did not pass ski school. The ski lifts were open and kids skied. Then kids went home. However, a lot of kids had parent volunteers and some kids stayed at the ski resort.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Siqi's Last Day by Ava and Allison

Siqi’s Last day

Today was the saddest day of 5B’s life. Today was the day at Glenridge Elementary that beloved
Siqi Xu left. She left to go to China because her dad got a  job there. It is January 6, 2017 and 5B decided to throw a surprise party for Siqi..

Ava and Allison says “ We are devastated, , Siqi was a treasure to America and to 5B. We miss her slime, cat, and minecraft stories. One day she would say she snuck playing minecraft at night and the other day she would say her slimes did not work”.. Sophie said “ Siqi is so good and i’m sad that she left”. Madeline said “ I think she is going to make make lots and lots of friends because she’s nice”.

As you can see everyone loved that good old Siqi.

She was a priceless gem when she came to this clayton school, Glenridge elementary .

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Goodbye Siqi

On January 14
Class of 5B was saying goodbye to their loved friend Siqi When news broke out that Siqi was officially moving back to her home country the class derided the day to come. The last day they would see Siqi. “The unforgettable memories I made with Siqi are my favorite. I can’t even think about not having her here. I still to this day have the mermaid drawing that she drew in 4th grade” said Claudia.
Know their Kind,sweet,Adorable Friend was leaving they and their amazing teacher who came up with the idea that they would throw a surprise party! They had it all planned out. Siqi would go down to Kindergarten and say goodbye
When the class would be setting up and hiding then Siqi would walk back in the room and everyone would yell SURPRISE!!!!!!!! They were prepared had everything ready for the big day. The party was great 5B enjoyed every moment they had left with Siqi before she moved.

Note: We love you Siqi everyone talks about how much we miss you. You are  a cheerful happy person. A piece of you was left back here in 5B and we cherish it with all of are hearts. I hope everything is doing great in China. Love you!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Hidden Valley Ski Trip by Sara

Glenridge Ski Trip
On January 12th, 2017 5th graders at Glenridge Elementary School got on a bus at 8:15 A.M. to go to Hidden Valley to go skiing. Some people went skiing for the first time in their lives and others went skiing to improve their skills.

When the 5th graders entered Hidden Valley, all of them were amazed. One 5th grader named Sara was amazed by how they could fit so much fake snow in a huge area. After the 5th graders got their skis, they were able to go out and head towards station one. Most 5th graders were wearing a long sleeve shirt and a winter jacket plus warm pants and snow pants. A 5th grader Ava says, “The ski boots were easy to put on and they were very comfortable because I have been skiing before.” One 5th grader says the ski boots feel like high heels with your toes squished up in the boot. After students go through station one, they go to the next station which shows you how to put on your skis. The 5th graders would put their foot parallel to the skis, move their body weight to their foot, wait for the  click, and one ski would be on. Skiers would do the same process for the next ski, and then they would be ready to go to station three.
Station three was learning about how to go up a hill without falling down. Skiers would point their skis sideways and slowly start inching up a small hill. Once they made it up the hill they would go on to station four.
Station four was about learning how to go down hill. Skiers would wait in a line with their skis still sideways. Once they made it to the top, they slowly skied down the hill they just climbed. They learned how to do the pizza wedge, where the skier points their skis towards each other making what looked like a pizza slice. This skill would slow them down if they went down the hill too fast. If skiers did not know how to do the pizza wedge, they would fall when going down hill. After skiers learned how to go down hill, they would go on to station five.
Station five taught you how to go up the magic carpet. Skiers would put their skis where the shoveled snow was, shuffle forward a bit, then the magic carpet would take them on a ride up the hill. Skiers would have to lean forward on the magic carpet so if the carpet stopped at any time because someone might have fell, the skiers will not fall over. When the skiers made it to the top, there was a small hill they would go down to make sure the person behind them does not crash into them. Then they would go on to the next station, station six.
At station six, skiers would practice going down a slightly steeper hill than station four. They would practice using the pizza wedge to slow down, and also learn how to turn. After skiers practiced the pizza wedge a couple of times, they would ski to the right side of the hill where skiers would practice turning. Orange cones were set up in a straight line down the hill. Skiers would wait in a line until it was their turn to practice. If they got around all the cones at a normal speed, one of the instructors would tell them to go to station seven.
Station seven was the last station before skiers graduated ski school. To make sure you were ready to free ski and go down steeper hills, station seven was a test to make sure you knew how to do all the skills. Skiers would ski down a steep hill with cones set up. Skiers would ski down the hill a bit more faster than station six and have to go around all the cones. Once skiers mastered station seven, they would get a mark on their ski lift ticket saying they have graduated from ski school. After ski school, skiers would be allowed to ski on steeper hills, go on the rope tow, and the ski lift.
In between skiing, there was lunch. Skiers would take off their skis and put them on a ski rack. A special number was put on their ski lift ticket that matched their skis so after lunch skiers would not get mixed up about which skis were theirs. After skiers put their skis on the rack, they would go inside to get lunch. Lunch was a slice of pizza and a cup of water or sprite.

After skiing was over, most 5th graders got back on the bus to leave to go back to Glenridge. The other group of people stayed with their parents and skied some more. A lot of people had a fabulous time at Hidden Valley. For the beginner skiers, it was a rough time. In the end though, everyone liked skiing and most would want to come back for another great time.

6th grade Orientation By Liam

     6th Grade Orientation

On January 19th, The 5th grade students of Clayton went to Wydown (The middle school of clayton) For 6th Grade Orientation. The point was to get a feel for the school and meet the teachers.

Most of the 5th graders were excited or nervous to be at the middle school saying that most of them have been in the same school for almost 6 years! That’s over half their life! “It was very interesting” Macy said.

The kids got go into big groups and talk to their teachers about what will be happening in that subject throughout the year. The teachers were very excited to meet kids they would be teaching this year.

Fifth Grade Trip

5th Grade Ski Trip
By Claire and Macy
It was January 12, 2017. The bus drove into the Hidden Ski Valley parking lot. 5th grade classes from Glenridge Elementary School and Captain Elementary School were going skiing. The schools were going because of their annual P.E. field trip that they went on every year. Some of the kids were very nervous while others were as excited as they ever had been.  

First, they got their skis and boots. Then, they went outside for ski school. When they were done with ski school they got to ski wherever they wanted to. Some went to the chairlift while others went to the rope tow. Some even went to the Black Diamond! After a little while they got called in to lunch. They got their lunch and sat down with friends to talk about skiing and other things. Once lunch was over everyone went back outside to ski. Ski school closed so everyone was free to do what they wanted. Some people went in pairs, some people went in groups and some people went by themselves. “ It was really fun!” says Madeline. At the end of the day when everyone was getting back on the bus they were all exhausted. But that did not stop them from talking… talking and singing the whole way home.

Ski Trip by Rhadi

                             Hidden Valley Ski Trip

The ski trip was a interesting experience for Rhadi. They were at hidden valley on 1/12/17 with clayton his Glenridge and other clayton school Captain.and he just flat out sucked,like trash,garbage,bad,horrible.So they came in the building to get our ski’s and helmets.the line was long to get the ski’s.Because they got boots before and they need to get the right size ski for the right boot.And he got bored in line,so he had a bored face.and the guy said why are you looking like he told him why and he said you will change tho happy when you get out there and he said yeah.he was totally when he went out he got my ski’s on he was cool.but then it started.he could not even get to the next station because he was falling,and sliding back every time.they had to help me to the 2nd and 3rd station.but he was cool through the 4th station.but on the 5th he all most fell in the woods.then it was lunch.but then he could freestyle and that was bad.he had to have wiped out about 15 times.but every time Breyana helped me out by seeing if he was ok and then laughing with me.but 1 time he wiped out so hard he flipped,lost my ski’s,and got wet in a puddle of this was a bad experience but hopefully its better next time.