Monday, March 27, 2017

Conferences By Pepper


The 5th grade of glenridge elementary had student led conferences to show their parents how they had become experts on the topics they have learned.They were so good to the point where they can be a teacher on that topic. This was in the month of march. The students spent days preparing for their conference.

The 5th grade students of glenridge elementary were going to have conferences but they’re leading them. The students chose a topic in each homeroom subjects. They prepared for the topics for days.The stations were: Math with multiple topics like decimals, Socials studies had topics like Colonies etc. The students brought their parents in on their conference day, They took their parents to each station teaching them about it and having them do some of it. “I thought they were pretty good and went well.” Christian said.

The students were excited to lead their conference and become the teacher on topics they were experts on. Their will be more conferences in their future.

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