Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Tea Parties By Liam

Tea Parties!
  By Liam
Throughout the month of February, The 5th graders of 5B were having tea parties to learn about the revolutionary war for Social Studies. Kids would bring tea and snacks to enjoy the party while watching an animated show learning about the war.

The class of 5B would Have Tea Parties weekly While watching their favorite animated TV show. The first tea party was the best since Everybody brought snacks and tea bags but that was before they knew there would be more tea parties, The last one was not as fun. “I thought it was really fun and it was a really good learning experience to know what it was like back then.” Ian Said.

The class enjoyed drinking tea and having snacks as a way to learn about the war. The Class will miss having all of these tea parties but will remember how fun it was.

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