Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Clay Coils- Allison

It was in February at Glenridge Elementary. 5-B had just finished math and they were heading to Art class. As they walked in they filled up with excitement! On the board in said snake coils. Mrs. Oliver said “ Today we are going to be making clay coils! She explained all the different kinds of coils according to grade. For example kindergarten learns how to make just basic snake coils. But on the other hand fifth grade gets to make coils in any shape you want, you can also make the clay into any pattern. She gave a demonstration on it also. “ So get started!” She said.

All around the room there were different patterns and sizes of the clay sculptures. Some of them were wide and some were small. On the sculptures there were lot’s of designs like braids, twists, snail coils, and just regular coils. “BRLLIINGG!” the bell went as people were making their final touches. “All right let’s clean up and we’ll head out outside” Mrs. Oliver said. After everything was where it was before, 5-B lined up for recess. “I can’t wait to glaze next week!” Allison said.

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