Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Stranded Squad

The Stranded Squad
By: Madeline Hellwig

On March 9th, all three Clayton Elementary Schools, Captain, Meramec, and Glenridge, attended the Wydown Spring Play, Footloose. But, a group of Glenridge students could not fit on to their school bus and had to wait for the school bus to drop the other students of before coming back to them. The students called themselves “The Stranded Squad”.
The students names were Ceci, Cha Cha, Claire, Eliot, Madeline, Quinn, and Sara. They were all in Mrs. Barnes class, the same teacher that stayed behind with them. This happened because the bus the school district had sent was a handicap bus, meaning it had less seats. All of Mrs. Barnes class boarded, the last class to get on the bus. Then the students started realizing there was no more room. So, the seven kids turned around and got off the bus. Children who had their window open were confused about how come they were not on the bus. A few minutes later, they saw the bus leave. They then stood around for a couple of minutes, talking and being silly. Then, they started walking down the street to reach the end of the street. Shortly after they got there, the bus picked them up. They got to sit wherever they wanted to. When talking to Sara, she recalled the experience by saying “It was really awesome!”. When talking to Eliot, he was asked if he would ever want to be in “The Stranded Squad” again, he answered “I would want to do it again because it was fun!”.
The group made it to the play around only a couple minutes later than their school. Thankfully, everyone made it to the musical on time. And if this ever happens again, who knows if this group will stay the same or will they change. As for “The Stranded Squad”, they will never forget that one fateful day and the bond that will forever tie them together as a group.

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