Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Jump Rope For Heart

 Throughout the month of February kids all over the United States from California to New England did a fundraiser called  Jump Rope For Heart.Jump Rope For Heart  Is A fundraiser that helps people with cancer or other diseases. How they do is that kids in schools jump rope for P.E classes and kids can sign up to.they raise money to help the people with diseases.Glenridge was one of the schools in America to participate.The P.E teachers would set up jump ropes out and the long ropes.With the short ropes kids would take turn jumping with their P.E. partners and afterwards kids would be in a competition to see what kid can jump the longest.Then kids would do the long ropes.2 kids would hold the jump rope and one kid would jump in the center.Sometimes the kids would have a short rope and jump at the same time the jump rope is.Sometimes kids would invite other kids in the long rope.The PE teachers would talk about how your heart works and other stuff.Kids also did The Heart Obstacle Course.Kids got to do different obstacle courses.The first  four stations  you had to use a kart with handles on it.You would have to push yourself through the stations until you were done and gave your kart to another person.Then the rest you used your legs.At the last station there would be facts about your body under a frisbee.Then you would run around the course and wait for someone to give you the kart.And that’s what Glenridge did for JRFR.By Quinn Weyer     

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