Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Day the Lost Closed

The Day the Loft Closed
By: Ceci and Madeline
On January 20th, the teacher of 5B, Your Highness, forbad the entrance of the citizens of 5B to enter their loft. The loft was sealed off by a string to act as a border. Whoever crossed was in BIG trouble.
This action was due to the classroom of 5B starting the Revolutionary War unit. They had just learned about the conflict known as the French and Indian War. Your Highness announced the closing publicly while stating it was the the residents of 5B fault after not taking good care of the space (which was true) and not that they were not allowed to go back there When speaking to Your Highness she used the following words to describe the incident “I was hoping to get an ad. I was hoping to get a reaction. My goal was connect closing the loft and the proclamation of 1763”. Though the reaction of many 5B students was that they didn’t care, other people in the class disagreed.  The proclamation of 1763 was when none of the colonist could go past the west of the Mississippi.  This angered the colonists as well as 5B. Allison, a member of 5B, said “I was mad, I have a right to sit there.” Many people agreed and were frustrated. Ceci said that “We wanted to plan a rebellion against the closed loft.”  But, some people weren’t that mad Cha Cha claims “I don’t really care.”
In the end Your Highness had a change of heart. Her point had been proved and there was no need for the closed loft anymore. So, Your Highness untied the string that served as the border and 5B students were free to go to into the loft. Now, the loft schedule was back on track. But do you think loft deserved to be open?

5th grade Ski Trip By Adam and Eliot

Ski field trip
 By Eliot and Adam

It was a nice day on January 12, 2017. 5th grade at Glenridge and Captain got to go on the best  field trip of their life! They went to the Hidden Valley Ski Resort where they got to ski all day.

First all the Glenridge and Captain kids got to go on the bus to Hidden Valley in Eureka Missouri. Where they had to get their ski boots and skis. Some kids said it smelled really bad in the room with all of the boots, and it did.

There were 7 stations that the students had to go thru. The first station was learning what to do and what not to do. The second station was putting on your skis and learning how to duck walk to the next station. The third station was walk sideways to the third station. The fourth station was to learn how to pizza stop to the magic carpet. The fifth station was to go up the magic carpet and going down a small hill using the pizza stop over and over again. The sixth station was to go thru the same station but weave thru cones using the pizza as an arrow. The seventh station was where the students had to go thru a series of uneven curves that they had to weave thru.After they completed all of the stations they got to free ski the rest of the day.Captain had lunch at 12:00 and Glenridge had lunch at 12:30. The People that ran the ski resort opened the black diamond after everybody ate lunch and then kids were zooming down the black diamond if you got an upgrade on your ski lift sticker.

Some people like Eliot said “It was fun and enjoyable” Adam says “It was the best field trip ever” he also says “I wants to go back”Rhadi said “It was too hard I kept falling.”Liam said “ It was a good way to enjoy the day.”

Ending Our Colony Unit by Cha and Sophie

January Blog Ending The Colony Unit By: Cha Cha And Sophie

In 5th grade Barnes class, in January, a Social Studies unit was going on-a colony simulation.
“ It was the best unit yet!” said 5th grader Sophie. The colony simulation took place in Glenridge Elementary school, Mrs. Barnes class.  The unit was held because people needed to learn what happened when people moved to the colonies. The simulation happened by students writing down income and loss, food and people, and things like that. Students got a chance to simulate being governor, trading, mapping, and auteder.

5B was extremely excited to Find out the colony winners everyone was shouting and having fun.  The simulation happen like everyone had a sheet of paper, and they would draw fates to determine what the daily food income would be.  They would go into a trading circle and make deals  on trading muskets for food, horses for land, and so on. The colonist trader could trade with the natives in their region,  or with other  colonies.

Ms.Barnes said “Time to see who the winners are!”  and so  every one in 5B  huddled around the smart board, and-“Drumroll, Please!” and so the class did a drumroll.  In big letters, on the screen, were the words- Free Foxes!! And so she said,
“And our next unit will be the American Revolutionary WAR!!!”
The class cheered, but

Ski Trip By Sage

Ski Trip

Fifth grade was in the lunchroom at hidden valley.  It was the 12th of January in the morning and the fifth graders were ready to go skiing.  The fifth graders were going because they wanted to have fun and they didn’t really have a choice because it was a school field trip.  

After everyone got their lift tickets on their coats they walked to the ski, snowboard and boot room.  It smelled REALLY bad.  It smelled like if you were to wear the same shoes for a year and than smell the inside of the shoe.  Everyone got their boots and went to stand in line for their skis.   

To be able to free ski you had to get through 7 stations.  Some people got through fast others not so much.  Many people such as Sophie Sage and Cha Cha think that it was unnecessary for the people that have already gone skiing to have to go through the stations.

Tons of people loved the Ski trip.  “I had so much fun!”  Says Madeline.  Skiing is so much fun.” Says Sophie.  “I found it very fun and exciting and it was a little weird skiing because I have never gone skiing but I found it fun learning how to ski.”  Says Sara  “I really liked it because I got to spend a lot of time with my friends and I really liked it.” says Cha Cha.  “It was a very interesting adventure.”  Says Christian.  So many people liked it and want to ski again.

Ian and Liam rollercoaster

At Glenridge Elementary School, students in 5th grade are building rollercoaster’s which made any ordinary January into January of excitement.  They made them in Discovery, a subject where you create things with cardboard.  

Liam Ferguson said “It was a good way to reuse cardboard”.  Stella said “it was a challenge that was fun”.  They used cardboard, duct tape, make do’s and hot glue.  This project took the 5th graders around 5 weeks to do and just recently launched their project to other 5th graders.  The other two fifth grade classes came to watch each rollercoaster run.  Some worked and some didn’t.

Ski Trip

   Ski Trip Extravaganza
   By Christian and Evan

On January 12, 2017 the 5th grade students of Captain and Glenridge went on a skiing field trip to Hidden Valley for the school day. They had to come at 8:00 and they left at about 8:15. The bus ride lasted almost 45 minutes and when they got there, they waited for instructions. After they left the building, they went to a large storage room to get their ski boots. The first people to get their ski boots on were lucky because they got to go out earlier. Then, there were stations you had to go through to be able to ski freely. Some of the stations (there were 7) were walking with skis, skiing down slopes and skiing through obstacles (cones). “It was really fun even though it was a lot of peoples first time” says Liam, a Glenridge student. When the were done with the 7th station, they went into free skiing. Some people did the Black Diamond: is a huge slope and you need a purple ticket to go on it. “It’s scary!” says Christian. There is a few ski lifts so once you go down a hill, you can ride it back up to the top of the slope. For many first-timers, they fell down a lot but they got back on their feet.


Friday, January 27, 2017

Ski Trip by Stella

Ski Trip

On January 12 2017 all 5th graders from Clayton went on a ski trip for 1 day at hidden valley.

Many people thought skiing was fantastic but some did not sara said Yes , because it was an interesting experience and it was fun! But Rhadi had a totally different point of view No, because it wasn’t fun,it was hard and i kept falling down.

Skiing you use skis and you have poles, but when you start if you don't use poles. You had to go through 7 stations like learning how to walk up a hill with skis on or learning how to ski.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Non-Fiction Share By Ceci

On the Wednesday before winter break it was Glenridge fifth grade info share. Through November into December kid’s have been researching and writing about the topic they choose. Kid’s choose topics anywhere from King Henry viii to Ticks. For the presentation kid’s were asked to bring in a side kick something to go along with your topic.While they were presenting at there station parents came to see their child and their classmates.   
Ceci says “It was fun telling people about a topic that I worked hard to research” They did work hard to research. Mrs. Barnes sometimes gave the whole class weekend homework. Which wasn’t fair to a lot of people. Sara claims “I guess we have to do it if we want to make a good report.” Which is true kid’s only got 20 minutes of research time each day. So some kid’s researched a lot plus everyone had to write a report in two days. It was hard but, it payed off.
At 1:45 that Wednesday all the fifth graders were ready and set up their little station. Parents then, started to ask them questions and Mrs. Barnes class gave them a overview of the topic. Madeline said “ I liked how we got to teach someone else about something were an expert at.” Pretty much everyone agreed but, some people thought it was a little nerve racking. Plus, everyone was excited for holiday sing and it was almost winter break.
The next topic for fifth grade will be Debatable topics and Glenridge can’t wait to see all the ideas Mrs.Barnes class comes up with. Will this be a big report like info reports or will it not be as big of a deal?


Thursday, January 5, 2017

Hot Cocoa Party with Kindergarten  Buddies
                                    By: Siqi

It was December 20th, 2016, a cold winter day, PERFECT for a hot cocoa party. In the 5B classroom, there was a chatter of excitement as they waited for the party to begin, it was a wonder about how they did their classes properly. Then, finally, the moment came, Mrs. Barnes called for her students to line up, 5B quickly, but silently, lined up and walked through the hallways (OK, so maybe there was some sort of chatter of meeting their buddies, but other than that, it is a pretty good transition). As they approach the KS classroom, they saw their buddies curiously sitting on the carpet, the pairs all voted on the movies, the choices were “The Grinch” “Charlie Brown’s Christmas” “Santa Coming to Town” and “The Snowman”, “The Grinch” won the voting in a landslide, BUT the teachers (Mrs. Sieve and Mrs. Barnes) couldn't start the DVD, so they go on the next on the list, “Charlie Brown’s Christmas”, some students groaned Because the majority of people voted for “The Grinch”, the teachers passed out some coloring sheets that 5B had prepared before the party started. As they drank their cocoa, colors the blank paper, and watch the movie, there was a great enjoyment in the KS classroom, but, some students aren’t totally satisfied with this party, 2 students, Siqi Xu and Ian Hansell, shared a buddy, but their buddy had went on vacation early and there is no extra Kindergarteners, But still enjoyed it. It was way too fast when the teachers told them to line up. As 5B dragged their feet to the doorway, they still have to admit--it was the best party ever.