Monday, April 10, 2017

100 WC Liam

My name is Comet. I’m special. Some may call me a villain but i'm just greedy. I only know one person who trusts me. His name is Char. We work together because we understand each other. Know one else understand us. We can walk through walls. This is how we make money. We get hired for robberies and get paid.sound pretty easy right ? No. This is where are powers come in. To escape. But there is only one guy who who has the same powers as us and he’s not just greedy he’s cruel and our mission is him.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

100 WC, Eliot

The magic wall
                                                 By Eliot

One afternoon two friends were walking and the two friends names were Rick and James. Suddenly Rick asked James to run into the wall to see what would happen. But neither of them new that the wall was enchanted and who ever would run into the wall would get stuck and turn to stone. So James ran as fast as he could and when he reached the wall he did not smash into it, but ran through it, but as he was  going through the wall he got stuck halfway and started turning to stone. Everyone walks past but looks.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

The Strangest year ever

Mr. Johnson had been teaching for fifteen years and this was the most peculiar year he has had so far. Two of his students had disappeared without anyone knowing. Three kids said they had something to show me. They lead me into the bathroom were they said they could transporte me into a different realm. I didn’t believe them, any sane person with no evidence wouldn’t. I told them to explain more. All they said was walk through the wall. I did and I saw something so amazing but when I turned around all I saw were my two students stuck in the wall I had just passed through.

Friday, April 7, 2017

100 word challenge

Once there was a bob and a jeff , bob and jeff are very good friends and what made their friendship so special was it was a magic friendship and their powers was walking through walls. But one day when jeff and bob were walking through the wall they got trapped in the wall and  there are still trapped in the wall today. Bob and Jeff can only get out from the magic book and thanks to someone with the magic book. Hopeful bob and jeff get out of the wall they get out is going to be a big adventure.

100 WC

I wobbled from the punch, and fell into what seemed like a endless dream. I walked around and saw my house appear out of white mist. My mom opened the window and shouted, “ Come FAST!! We got a TRAIN TO CATCH!!” and with that, I hopped in the flying car, and we traveled across many lands, to the train station. I found platform 9, and RAN THROUGH IT!!! I reached platform 9 and ¾, and I saw a big train. I hopped on, and waved as I saw my parents go by...\

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! My alarm clock, AGAIN!! no...

100 wc by breyanna

So one day there was two kids nia and lea and they were looking for something to do and then they found a wall and then they went inside it was so cool there were so many things kid would love but the thing was that all of the rides were closed because no one ever went on them so they opened all the rides and played forever.  

100 wc #3

I woke up.  “You're awake!” a raspy voice said.
“Where am I?.” I asked.

“Oh you're just in my hospital.” said the raspy voice again. It came from a plump woman in the middle of the room. She was hunched over a large kettle. She walked over and pulled a hair from my head. She popped it into the kettle. A video of my brother and mother came up. They were walking in and out of a wall. “What are they doing? I asked. “They are cursed to do that for eternity because of their crimes.” They lady said.  

100 WC, Stella

I was falling asleep and I had a dream about people walking through the wall. I was very surprised and freaked out that actual people were walking through walls wait someone's calling my name I opened my eyes and saw my parents I told them instantly what happened in my dream both my parents looked worriedly at each other and then they said come on let's go on a walk. I got up and said what's wrong and they walked in the wall and then I knew that my dream was not a dream.

New Life By Claudia 100 WC

This was going to be a new life. No turning back now. Let’s go! As we slowly walked through the wall a bright light shined on my face. Only one word could describe what I was seeing “~Magnificent”. All of a sudden when I touched my face I felt warm streams of tears running down my face and neck. “When we find Grandmother let’s go out to eat” Kai giggled. As we got into a bubble car and started to drive off I couldn't help but look outside of the bubble. All the circle buildings floating it just so unordinary.

100 WC

After a long day Josh and Hermit were walking home near a construction site. They stoped to talk about what the building might look like. They looked up for a instant second to see the cement truck collide with the crane! The noise made a thunder blasting sound to hear. Suddenly they noticed they were standing in a mold for a wall that was being poured at the second.
Josh and Hermit both tried to step back from the wall but it was useless because it was ultra quick dyring cement. Josh asked “ How is your day going Hermit?”


Thursday, April 6, 2017

100 word challege

There is a ghost. One day he went to a house. It wasn't any house it was the Cornelius house of unicorns. He went to the house the next day and went through the wall since he was a ghost and he got stuck. After a while he died.  Cornelius and his crew came to the house an hour later and Cornelius was very confused. He called the police and they said they thought it was fine he said he would call a person to check it out but he never did…

100 word challenge by Allison

    It was almost our turn in line we were waiting to go through the wall. Every year the wall opens at the kingdom museum. This was no ordinary wall. Besides the fact that you can go through it, inside the wall there is a magical unicorn that let’s you see the future. Each year it’s a different thing in the wall. Like last year it was a bunny that let you grant one wish. The lines get so crazy that they go all the way down the building. But we came a day early. “Next in line”!

100 word challenge by cha cha

It's magic out here in the world surprises happen all the time especially for these two girls. Parents. We all love them right but in these two girls situations  not so much. You see parents can turn your magic off and on until you are 18. And these two girls did not see this coming.
Rory and Emily were two magic twins just walking thro a wall one day wich magic people do. They were 17 Their birthday coming up soon all of a sudden they are stuck in a wall ! Someone had to come rescue them.  

100 Word Challenge

What if one thing in the Star Wars saga was changed? There would be no Kylo Ren, the empire took over, and Han Solo was still alive. The difference in the Empire Strikes Back Darth Vader froze Han Solo but, he he got Han and Leia as Han was trying to escape he froze him he left an imprint of him running out and Leih running in to save life. The Empire was happy to celebrate their victory they planted the frozen them on a wall in the Death Star. That’s how they could have ended up in a wall.

100 Word Challenge

100 Word Challenge

She started bolting. Running. Leaping. How could I think it would stay a secret she told herself. Mary is a blabber mouth she complained. Cheating on the art fair by having her mom create an abstract art piece for her would not have stayed a secret. It was against the rules and would not be tolerated. She then abruptly stopped and started bawling on the ground. Her mother caught up to her. Instead of scolding her she just hugged her. “It will be okay”, whispered her mother. “Ok”, was all Beth could say before collapsing into her mother’s arms.

100 WC Liam F.

Off Finn and Philby went as DHI’s through the wall of Maleficent's lair to fight Chernabog once and for all to save Disney world from the overtakers. If Finn and Philby fail their mission, The Overtakers could kill everyone in florida, If not more. “We need a plan” Philby said. “Maybe we could do the same thing we did with Jez” Finn said. “You mean what you did with Jez, I still don't know how to cross over when i'm awake, But somehow you can.” Philby said. “If only the others weren't kidnapped by Chernabog.” Finn said. “We've lost”.

Based off of Kingdom Keepers II by Ridley Pearson.

100 wc #3

So in a land that is filled wi…….no it's  just a dream.but still it felt like real life the way that it i control only myself and that's weird that first of all I’m controlling something.i tried to end i tried hurting myself,did not work.and killing myself.but all that ended up doing was hurting me even more. So then i saw 2 people walking through (key word through)a wall.and then i saw people walking on (key word on) i was like “are they jesus”but when i saw a colorful door i went through it and i was back home.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

100 word challenge Evan

100 WC 3

Jack heard a rustle in the bushes behind him. “What was that!?” he heard Martha ask from behind him. “I don’t know and I don’t want to find out!” and he broke into a run. He noticed Martha wasn’t behind him anymore. Stupid labyrinth. They had been stuck in the mysterious labyrinth for days now. He back-tracked only to find her running from a weird lion-snake animal. Not an animal. A monster. “Over here!” he yelled. A dead end. Then, out of a final desperation, he ran right through the wall and out into the real world...

100 word challenge

        100 Word Challenge
One day I went to Egypt. When I went to Egypt I got to visit the Pyramids. When I went into the first pyramid there were a lot of mummies! Then I went into a second pyramid there was a lot of ancient art work which I thought was pretty cool. Then we went into a third pyramid and saw in the wall that someone tried to go thought. Then we had to watch a video how he got stuck inside the wall. When the video was over it was time to go I was sad we had to go.                           -Riley

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

100 WC By Sage

We were in the cave.  We were close I could feel it in my bones.  I had been walking for days and my feet dragged as I walked.  I was walking in the cave when I see something I can't tell what it is but I start running.  As I get closer I realize it's a wall.  All of this walking for a wall.  I go to sit next to my sister and as I sit down my hand goes throught the wall.  I realize the wall is fake so my sister and I slowly and gently walk through it.      

100 word challenge by Ian

My class was reading a book about A kid who gets trapped at this house and there is this wall that everytime someone tries to walk through it they magically walk back into the house.  The book is called Thief of Always.  Only way he can get through is by using a cat named blue cat.  He can do it because he has a great sense of direction and smell.  After escaping the house he finds out that his parents aged 31 years but he only stayed at the house for 31 days.  His parents have changed a lot.

100 wc by Quinn

I was walking in a room in some building and then i saw this thing in the wall which look like somebody was walking in the wall and someone was coming out.It was really creepy but cool.I studied it a little closer and it was really hard.So then i touched it and nothing happend.I was getting freaked out on the inside and i figured i should just leave.But i thought”Nah i'm not a scaredy cat let’s just stay here”.So i did .Hours later i was like “ok i'm getting bored so i'm leaving”.

100 Word Challenge by Sara

“Come on!” yelled Marco “We’ve got to hurry!”. Percy gave a confused look to Marco and stopped walking. Marco turned around. “What's wrong?” he said. “Marco, you’re walking straight into a wall.” said Percy. “Who cares?” yelled Marco. He walked into the wall, but froze in the middle. “Keep going Macro if you want to prove it’s not dangerous!” yelled Percy. Marco didn’t budge. “Marco?” said Percy. He knew what was going on. “Oh come on Marco!” Percy said. “I’m stuck!” screamed Marco. Percy grabbed the nearest thing A hook. Then he went to get Marco out of the wall.

March blog post

March 9th 2017

It was a sunny day lots of people were excited to go to wydown
For the play and the most exciting part was it was footloose christian says that he has heard the song but has not saw the move the bus is here someone yelled 5B pack up and we went on the bus and we were off it was loud at first but then it started to get silent but not yet when 5B got there it was like an earthquake it was so loud  when people got off  the bus into the the middle school Claudia says it was amazing Claire say it was awesome and when it was over people were ready to go back to school

Planetarium by Claudia

     March 3, 2017 The Glenridge 5th graders were going on a field trip to the St.Louis Planetarium. They were going to star gaze and get the chance to use fun new learning materials. Not only does that sound AMAZING It would be for hours!   Everyone was super happy to be there and to get a chance to have so much fun. The last end was the amazing stars the room was full of projectors and a speaker talking about astronomy . what was very enjoyed had to come to an end.

Hidden Figures by Adam

Hidden Figures Field Trip
By Adam

On March 16, 2017 the Esquire movie theatre opened early for one school and that school only. They opened up early for Glenridge Elementary School.

First, at the beginning of the day they went through their normal schedule, so they went to specials first. Once that was done the bus was ready to take them to the Esquire for the amazing movie Hidden Figures.The movie was about three african american women in the 1950’s. They worked for NASA and helped get the first american man in space. These women went through many hardships because of their skin color.

This was a very inspiring movie for the fifth graders at Glenridge. Here are some quotes from the participants:Eliot said “ It was the best and most inspiring movie ever.” Madeline said “It was a really good way to learn about that time in history.”

The Glenridge 5th graders will go on many other exciting field trips in the future.

March Madness

The NCAA basketball Tournament happens every year and what it is, is college basketball players competing in a Tournament to be named as they NCAA march madness champions.

11 people in 5B decided to participate in the bracket which you can pick a team to win it all and if you get enough points you can win some money.

Madeline said “ I am sad Duke got out early”
and Ava said “ It was a huge Bracket buster when Duke got out but it was good for my bracket”.

There were Bracket busters to up setting loses but it was a good Tournament!

Monday, April 3, 2017

100 WC by Quinn

I took a picture with my camera of a piece of chocolate to send to my friend to make him jealous. I put the chocolate in my pocket and went to the park. I was worried that it would melt since it was so hot, but it was still hard enough to eat. It did melt a little bit which turned my fingers brown, however the weather was beautiful. I spent around an hour at the park walking around, then I went home and basically did nothing for the rest of the day. It was a good day. The next morning I slept in.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Pi Day

On the 14 of march the class of 5B had a pi party in celebration of pi becauses of pi is 3.14… and the date was 3-14 so it's pronounced pi day. The activities that they did was some fun math packets pi themed. Overall most students said it was fun. They also did pi art or looking at the first 1000 digits of pi to see any numbers that were special to them.