Monday, October 31, 2016

Rhadi's Conference by Rhadi

Rhadi's Conference

The first conference in Rhadi’s new school.he wasn’t that nervous at first.They were talking then the teacher (Ms.Barnes)showed them something he did silly,and his parents laughed.he know’s it was with why. he does not know why,but he felt embarrassed.
So he and his mom got out the car and there were grey clouds,raining,and it getting darker by the minute.So he guessed it was bound for somebody to feel weird?So when they were going in the school he cracked a couple jokes.But when he came in the class it was strictly seriousness.So they talked about the grades and how he was doing socially.
But then she brought up something he did silly on work.So of course his parents laughed.And for some reason,he felt kind of embarrassed.he did not tell his parents, but they know now.But he had to get with it,so he laughed to.And then they talked about the rest,and then when they walked out.Then his dad said”I’m so proud of you,for adjusting to a new school so quick”and he said”thank you”and his mom said”and thank you for being so quick to agree to have to change schools.”he said”your welcome”and they walked out of  his first conference in his new school.

Fraction Action Fraction Friction by sage

Fraction Action Fraction Friction
By Sage

During math In 5B fifth grade classroom Mrs. Barnes was calling names to play FAFF (Fraction Action Fraction Friction). Everyone had a partner but Sage and Adam. Sage started to worry since you play in groups of three there would not be enough people in her group.  Mrs. Barnes pulls out the last sticks and says “Sage, Adam and, me"

Sage and Mrs. Barnes went over to Adam’s table and then Mrs. Barnes passed out the cards. Everyone had played this before and last time Sage played she won so she was feeling pretty confident.

To play FAFF you have a deck of cards with fractions on them. They can all be converted to twelfths so they were all cards like ½, ⅔ or ⅚. FAFF is kind of like the game Blackjack but you don’t want to go over 2. So if on the first turn you get ½ you say Action and you get another card. Once you get close to two you say Friction.

Sage, Adam and, Mrs. Barnes started to play FAFF. Sage, Adam and Mrs.Barnes took turns dealing. It got very intense and when they were playing they got a few exactly twos which is a big deal. Sage was very sad because whenever she got close to two like one and ⅚ someone else would have two exactly. Sage got very annoyed by that.

“I got frustrated because Mrs. Barnes kept winning. But it made me determined” Says Adam

“Fun but a little confusing at first” says Claire however she didn’t play FAFF with Sage, Adam and, Mrs. Barnes.

“I should go to vegas” Mrs. Barnes said because she had beat Sage and Adam.

If you have played FAFF did you like it? Would you ever consider playing it if you hadn't? I hope so because Sage thinks it is very fun.

printing in art class by: Salt

This week in art class 5th graders are having fun doing carving and printing.

You started out with design on paper this would be are guides to carving our linoleum carving blocks. The 5th graders used linoleum cutters and their guides to carve their designs into their linoleum blocks. It was very satisfying and fun to carve the linoleum. On the packaging of the linoleum blocks it says “cuts like butter”.

So now everyone was saying “cuts like butter!” Once we carved our designs we had to print them.

We used brayers (rollers) and ink to print our designs 4 different ways onto paper. Once we finished printing we would try a different color. Would all make three.

5th graders are hoping that they can look forward to more



October Article - Juggling

             Circus Jugglers

Ian go with Macy Mr.Hutson announced,Macy really did not what to do this but she had to. This is why she did not like the 1 week of October.Miss.Miller said rows one and three go get scarfs and rows two and four go get cubes. Macy had to wait a while because the they ran out.Mrs.Miller turned on the music and Macy stared juggling the scarfs.She did the scarfs for a whole two minutes.Ian and Macy switched she was really bad at juggling the cubes.Mrs.Miller told the 5B to do partner juggling.Ian picked up the cubes and stared juggling.All of a sudden he throw a cube to Macy while he was still juggling the other two.Then Macy throw one back to him and he throw a mother one to her.They kept the same pattern for a long time.Macy tropes it a few times but they did a good job.It was like Macy and Ian were circus clowns.Ian clarified that Macy was good at juggling and he had a lot of fun.Macy said she had a awesome day!!!

The Cursed Photos!

The Penny from Heaven by Jennifer L. Holm book club table was in shock when they received their school photos. Half of the group loved their photos while the other half begged to differ. It was as if Stella and Madeline had good photos every other year but now. Stella and Madeline’s photos seemed like they were… cursed!
Madeline and Stella did not like their photos since the moment they got them. Madeline said “It looks like they photoshopped my cheeks!” Stella had a photo far worse. Her hair was swept over her face. She was very very unhappy. Stella had said ”mine looks ridiculous” But Stella and Madeline both laughed about their photos in the end. But the other 2 members of the table enjoyed their photos. One of the members Macy had said “ I was happy the way my photo turned out”.
Next year, photos may be better. Madeline said “I just hope my photo will be better next year”. Madeline had high hopes (like many others)  of the possibilities of better photos next year. But no one right now knows if this hopeful thought will become reality.

Unity Day by Sara

    Have you ever witness bullying or have been bullied? Well you should listen up. 64% of kids who have been bullied do not report it. That’s why there’s one day that really stands out. This day is called Unity Day.
    Bullying happens everyday. The most common reasons are for looks (55%), body shape (37%), and race (16%). Not only that, but both the target and the bully witness affects. Students who experience bullying and bullies have an increase (in %) of these effects. These effects include sleeping difficulties, anxiety, poor school adjustment, depression, headaches, stomachaches, and mental health problems.

Students can’t do this alone. We need your help. 5th graders at Glenridge Elementary School are helping put a stop to bullying. In Discovery time in Mrs. Barnes classroom, the students picked sides. Half of them were Socktober, and the other half was Unity Day. In this article, I decided to focus in on Unity Day. I looked at their list of Ideas. One of them was dancing to the song Never Ever. Others were thinking about social experiments. All of these were great ideas.

How can a one school put a stop to bullying? It is possible they can reduce the percentage of somebody getting bullied by 25%, but that is not 100%. “We need everybody to participate. It is possible if we all work together, we can put a stop to bullying.” Says Sara, a 5th grade student. To show your pride against bullying, wear orange on October 17th, 2017 to show that you care.

Juggling -Ian


An amazing unit had happened at Glenridge Elementary School in early October where students got to learn how to juggle.  They  started with scarves and now they juggle with cubes.  Liam Ferguson said “Juggling is fun and it grows your mindset!”  Ceci said “They grade you on talent which isn't fair because some kids don’t have a good talent in juggling.”

Other kids who didn’t get it as well probably didn’t like it or just not as much.  This unit has been going on for a week in October and the teachers showed videos and also showed how to juggle themselves.  You need a lot of hand eye coordination ability to be able to do this.  A lot of kids had trouble doing it. There was definitely a lot of frustration.  Evan said “Scarves are the hardest because they all wad up and get in your face.”  The whole school did this and only the 5th graders got to use cubes.  This will happen next year as well.  But 5th graders are leaving so they won’t be doing it.

Socktober by Sophie

5th Grade Class is Raising Money for homeless

5th grade  is raising money for homeless shelters in October, or Socktober this is an event in witch people donate socks and money to help homeless people.. In Glenridge Elementary, people do fundraiser such as Wacky Wednesday, Socks in class, and PJ day. This money is all sent to local stores to buy pumpkin pie, canned food, soup, and much much more for the homeless.  Clair, a 5th grader in 5B once said,
“It’s a good thing for a good cause.”
Kid president is collecting socks for the same reason. Will you donate a few!?!?Change the world today, and think about it… Would you be happy if you received a can and you were homeless?  Would YOU  want socks as a caring and warming gift???
Donate today, and save thousands of lives..

It's Socktober at Glenridge by Ceci

Glenridge Students are celebrating Socktober. Which is a sock drive and some events to raise money. Through the last week of October they are having these fundraisers they had a socks in class day on Monday and a Wacky Wednesday and a Pajama day on Friday. And they had to pay a dollar to participate.
To participate on these days you must bring a dollar which the money goes into building a homeless shelter.
Wacky Wednesday was a funny experience. Kids and teachers wore tutus, silly wigs, crazy hair, inside out clothes, ties, and some mismatched socks.
However some kids didn’t dress up and pay a dollar to help the homeless. Rhadi says “I don’t care. We can dress up like this everyday.” Well, this also happens when kids decide to not bring a dollar. Ceci says “I bet we could have gotten a 100 more dollar for every event if everyone was honest.” Ceci was on the committee that created the event to help Socktober.   
Socktober is a event Kid President created to help donate socks to the homeless he’s also trying to build a homeless shelter.. All the socks donated are going to a local homeless shelter in Saint Louis.    
Glenridge is getting a lot of socks and money to help this cause and hopefully we are making a difference.

Book Groups

Book groups
            By Evan

  Book Groups in 5B in October are finishing their 1st book group book and starting their second book. What will their next book group book be ? Evan’s book group book was going to be “Fire girl” but they didn’t have enough copies so their teacher Mrs. Barnes gives them choices “Here are your choices!”
“What book do you guys want to read?” asks Evan.
“How about this one?”
The group members continue to discuss. “I actually want this one. ‘Stargirl’” says book group member Sage.
“I really liked how me and my friends can discuss parts of the book that are good or bad.” Says Evan.

After this book, the book groups will stop doing book groups. Books includ “Loser” “Eleven” and a variety of books by Jerry Spinelli. All the 5th grade classrooms are doing this at glenridge elementary school. What will their next unit be?    

Friday, October 28, 2016

Unity Day By Cha Cha

Unity Day

Unity day is a day when we stand together to prevent bullying. This day is on October 19th every year. The world like to do this so that people who get bullied can stand up for themselves and know how to take care of themselves. Also others can stand up for them too. The bully can also learn a lesson from this  day. Maybe the bully is not intensely bullying but maybe on this day they can realize that they are hurting someone else. Other people think this. Sophie says “bullies won’t listen about unity day because they do what they want to do. Christian says, ”Two thumbs up!” Macy says, ”It is fun.” And who would not like unity day. This shows how people want to help stop the bullying. In the future we can stand up for bullying and help even more.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

One Word of Crash by Ian

Crash: Strong, because he always has to win the races and beat people on the football field

Penn: Happy, because he is almost always happy unless someone is super mean to him

Mike: Fun, because he always wants to have fun by being mean to Penn and pranking him.

News story by Quinn

Apple recently released a new operating system called IOS 10.  IOS 10 clownloads caused some people's phone to stop working.Thrown into restore mode.Owners had to connect to computers and restore their device.It also effected people with new and old phones.The issue has now been resolved amd is now safe to download and upgrade your iohone.If you experience the glitch connect your phone to your MAC or PC.
Apple spokesman says the issue is resolved and only affected a small number of people.
13 Year old Colin Weyer installed IOS 10 2 weeks ago it did not hurt his phone at all.

So don’t worry if you if have a iphone IOS 10 will not  hurt your phone

Crash one word

Crash one word
By Evan

I think the one word is power. I think this because he is always bullying people because he wants more power. When Jane stood up for herself, Crash was surprised because she had the power. He bullied Penn because he knew Penn couldn’t stand up for himself, so he knew he could have more power over him.   

Crash One Words By Liam

Crash One Words
By Liam 

Crash’s one word should be Change since he learned that it's not all about winning and you can change for a new friend.

Scooter’s one word should be Luck since he was very lucky that crash and abby saw that scooter was on the ground not moving from the stroke but since they saw, he was lucky his life was still okay.

Abby’s one word should be Happy since she is like penn who is always happy even when they should be upset.

Penn’s one word should be Energetic since he is always so jumpy and excited like abby who copies penn.

Jane’s one word should be Normal since she is like a normal person who gets mad at some points but also is forgiving and can be happy as well.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Crash Sequel By Cha Cha

Crash #2

  Remember when crash went to jane’s party ya that's because they were dating and to this day they still are… 15 years later crash got down on one knee wow let's “scoot” back a little bit. Earlier that day “how am I going to propose to jane I will take her on a perfect picnic,I better go pic her up now”. Ten minutes later crash asked jane if she was ready. They get in the car and they are off. He said let's get out of the car before we eat I need to ask you something. Crash got down on one “will you marry me?” “YES” jane excitedly screamed. Let's talk a little about penn and abby. Crash and penn to this day are still best friends. And penn and abby are obviously dating. You ask me what happen to mike deluca he is on tour how did he become a singer I don't even know. And scotter can talk. And that's their story.

Crash book review By Ceci

Crash by Jerry Spinelli is about Crash who is a 7th grade football player in Pennsylvania but, when Penn. A nerdy, and selfless kid comes he becomes a bully.
My favorite part was when Penn and Crash were in first grade and they meet. They constantly try and top each other. It’s a funny and special moment to this book and it shows how greedy Crash is in first grade.
I recommend Crash for people who like Andrew Clements. If you don’t like comedy, realistic fiction, and being mean to your little sister don’t read this but if you do, you're in luck.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

News Story By Salt

             A Rap Battle Breaks Out At Recess

During recess at glenridge elementary a rap battle breaks out between tatum bethany, sara levenson and both of their rap teams.   Adam says “Tatum destroys sara and her rap team”.  “It was not a loss and we will soon win” says sara. The point of the rap battles to enjoy rapping not to hurt people's feelings.The rap battles are slowly discontinuing. But this an event to be remembered.

News Story by Ava

By: Ava
It was all tied up 12-12. The Greyhounds were playing at Parkway west middle school on Saturday, September 17th, 2016, there was 5 seconds left 5 4 3 2 1 “  Ring ring ring” now it was time for overtime Ava Vetter was point Brooklyn Pierce  and Cameron Martenson were on the wings Ceci Dupor and Sara Levenson were on the blocks. Right when Ava was about to shot someone fouled her. Ava  went to the free throw line there she shot . . . . . .

Swish went right in the hoop! There were 2 seconds left and one of the people on the other team shot a half court shot . . . . . she missed by alot it was a air ball. The Greyhounds and the other team didn't go to sudden death because it would take to long and everyone was tired. The game started at 2:00 and ended at 3:30.  It was a really good game.  Gaby told me that her dad told her that was the most challenging team in our division, so the Greyhounds were really proud.  Let’s go Hounds!

News Story by Christian

Pokemon go good or bad pokemon go was made in 2016 and there has been some good thing and some bad thing like some country do not have pokemon go it is crazy a good thing is that pokemon go helped a boy with a sickness i do not know want the sickness is called but he plays with kids his on age but pokemon go is not safe by yourself three teens tricked a lot of people and some of them were killed they were using  a lure on pokestops. A  lure pokemon the name is self-explanatory  not to be mean if you do not know what it is and you do get pokemon balls from poke stops so do you think pokemon go is good or bad

News Story by Allison

   Kindergarten Buddies
It was September 8, 2016 5B was walking into Ms. Sieve’s classroom ready to meet their kindergarten buddies! When everybody got inside 5B was looking at KS and KS was looking at 5B. When the fifth graders got their buddies Anna ran to the bookshelves and said “Hi, my favorite books are biscuit books, they’re really really fun! She said with her mouth full of crackers. “Ok” Allison said. “Which book do you want to read?” And of course she chose the biscuit books. Everyone kept on reading until it was time to go. “Bye!” all the kindergarteners and fifth graders said. The fifth graders rushed into line with excitement on their faces ready to teach their first Claymo lesson.
This is what other people thought of kindergarten buddies.
Claire: “I think that kindergarten buddies went good, she was a little shy at first though”
Ava: “It went well because I got who I wanted”
Sophie: “It went well”

Monday, October 17, 2016

News Story by Breyanna

5B buddies

The fifth graders of 5B were introducing our self and we met our buddies. The class that is our buddies were in was in Mrs.Sieve class and one of the kids buddies name was Caroline and she had two buddies because there were too many people in 5B so they read this dog book and she read a good book and she was really nice and then we had to leave so we hugged or high fived our buddies and 5B buddies had to leave but I know I had a good time with my buddie.    


News Story by Finley

Finley                  New Staduim?
On July 22, 2016 the new US Bank Stadium opened up for the Minnesota Vikings in the Downtown East section of Minneapolis, MN. They made it because the old Metrodome had a huge collapse from snow on the fiberglass fabric roof and was over thirty years old.  The new stadium cost over $1.061 billion to build!

When the stadium opened, people were asked what they thought.  One writer said, “The design of the building is beautiful in itself, but understanding all the logistics and functionality behind the architecture makes it that much more significant.” The stadium is very modern, full of glass and has a unique, ship-like shape.  It makes you wonder how it can stand up, how does it fit together and how can a field be inside?

Another person responded simply by saying, “So. Big.”  The stadium looks like a building, but is gigantic.

Sophie's News Story

                          The Pencil Thief
5th  grade class of 5B has mysteriously Been missing  mechanical pencils. Detectives (5B students), have been searching for the thief, but the pencil stealer has not been found. Nice pencils have been sitting on the edge of desks,and those pencils were the specific stolen victims. But people have been keeping pencils in there pencil bags, and results show that the pencil thief is not yet brave enough to go search for the well- protected pencils deep in the desks. 5th grader Sophie interviews a few people- “Macy, please tell me, have you had any of your pencils stolen so far?” she asks Macy, a fellow classmate of hers. “Yes, Sophie, I have had a few nice pencils stolen. How did you know?!!?!” Said macy. “Well,” Said Sophie,” I have been asking others- at least 65% of the people I  asked have been stolen from! But that’s not all.  Even I have been stolen from!”
And so detectives continued searching.But up to this day, the Thief has not been found. Have you been Robbed by a Pencil thief? Well, I have. Trust me, ya don’t want to be.

 The Pencil Thief
5th  grade class of 5B has mysteriously Been missing  mechanical pencils. Detectives (5B students), have been searching for the thief, but the pencil stealer has not been found. Nice pencils have been sitting on the edge of desks,and those pencils were the specific stolen victims. But people have been keeping pencils in there pencil bags, and results show that the pencil thief is not yet brave enough to go search for the well- protected pencils deep in the desks. 5th grader Sophie interviews a few people- “Macy, please tell me, have you had any of your pencils stolen so far?” she asks Macy, a fellow classmate of hers. “Yes, Sophie, I have had a few nice pencils stolen. How did you know?!!?!” Said macy. “Well,” Said Sophie,” I have been asking others- at least 65% of the people I  asked have been stolen from! But that’s not all.  Even I have been stolen from!”
And so detectives continued searching.But up to this day, the Thief has not been found. Have you been Robbed by a Pencil thief? Well, I have. Trust me, ya don’t want to be.


News Story by Claudia

Practically Dead
Two girls were found practically dead near Glenridge Elementary School the girls names were Claudia and Madeira they were sore and hot from walking to long. The day was September 11th heat was high and the both girls were low. The girl were heading to their school's ice cream party. They had planned on driving but were told to walk because of the art fair’s large traffic. When they arrived they were disappointed to see that what was supposed to be an ice cream party it showed that it was a Snow cone party still the girls were happy but they were let down that they didn't have ice cream. We had to ask some people about their experience so “Ceci were you disappointed when you heard that there was no ice cream” Ceci: yes because I was looking forward to ice cream but snow cones are fine too”. I wonder why there was no ice cream do you? -Claudia

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

News Story by Sage

Will anyone be safe in claymo duck duck goose

Sage and Lyrics claymo group sat in a circle in there claymo room.  There claymo room was the foyer but they needed a smart board so they moved to the language room.  There claymo lesson was over so they decided to play duck duck goose. One of the group leaders started to explain how to play duck duck goose during claymo.

Everyone sat down in a circle as the leader started the tap heads. Finally she said “GOOSE!!!.”  She ran around the circle. Once Sage had gone all the way around the circle she sat down. She was safe but would the next person be as safe?  

The next person started going around the circle tapping heads. “Duck duck duck duck duck” then finally she said “GOOSE!!!” They both started to sprint around the circle. The next person was safe but the next time they could not make the cut and they got tagged.

The person that got tagged had to sit in the center of the circle and could not play till someone else got tagged. So then Asha had to tap heads “duck duck duck duck duck duck duck GOOSE!!!” Asha ran as Ben chased her. Asha was not very lucky and had to sit in the middle so the person that was in the middle was in the middle befor was very happy because they got to be a part of the circle again.  After that the claim group got to play for a few more minutes before Mrs. Scott’s voice came on the speaker and everyone had to go back to their homeroom class.

As everyone was walking back the Claymo leader Sage grabbed the hands of the kindergarteners and walked them to their class.  The Claymo leader asked “Did you like Claymo today?” the two kindergarteners did not speak a lot of english they spoke more chinese so the claymo leader did not know if they were going to reply.  But to her surprise they did. They both said, “yes.” That made the Claymo leader happy that they had fun.  I think everyone can say they had a good memory of the first Claymo of the year of 2016-2017.

By Sage