Tuesday, December 13, 2016

November Blog: Slide Shock by Macy

  Slide Shock

It was November 18, 2016. Fall was starting to become winter. As half of the 5th grade gathered around the slim green slide they formed a great big circle.  It was like no one could get past. As everyone joined hands, someone climbed up a huge boulder so they could get to the slide. Then they stopped dead in their tracks to get a good momentum to go down the slide and gain static electricity, and reached out to transfer the electricity to the first person in the circle traveling at the speed of light!!!

Sugar Skulls by Breyanna

                                                       5B Sugar Skulls

When the fifth graders went to Spanish and they saw other kids from fifth grade doing sugar skulls and they knew they were going to do it too.So the Spanish teacher said, “So as you can see you’re doing  skulls but there is not enough sugar for the whole class.   So we will have some of the class do it today and the next time the other part of the class will do it the next time you come here.”  Sugar skulls are little balls of sugar shaped into a skull and they are edible.  They are part of Day of the Dead tradition.  So she split half of the class up to do sugar skulls and they were doing that while the other half colored a little.  The next day they did it again but switched groups.  Most of the kids in fifth grade did the icing on their skulls.  The sugar skulls are a fun activity for the fifth graders because they are fun to make and fun to eat.  This year the students were told NOT to eat them, because there could be germs on the skulls.  And the skulls were extra large.     Quinn, a fifth grader, said, “It was good decorating and making them.”  Sugar skulls sound pretty fun to make and something students will always remember.

November News Story By Rhadi

                                     Thanksgiving Day

Rhadi’s thanksgiving was was very fun but at the end it was scary.
So he was coming from home a big fever.It had calmed down.So he could have gone to school but the 2 day weekend (because of thanksgiving they gave us Wednesday,Thursday,and Friday.thanksgiving was Thursday).
So he brought his earphones to listen to music just in case it boring.So while he was listening to music,while my cousin were play fighting as usually and he started to play while listening.so they called to pray and then they ate,while watching football.
so usually after all the kid (Rhadi,and his 2 cousins)make there Christmas list.So he was listening to my music trying not to let his cousins see because they will laugh at him because it’s old school.So he was listening making his list until his college cousin came from behind and took his phone and looked at what Rhadi was listening to.And of course he laughed and he said “what is that”and Rhadi said “old school”he laughed again.
So when he finished with my Christmas list he had old school albums.He was scared to give the Christmas list to his grandmother.And it didn’t make it better that she said it out loud.So when she passed it out no when came to talk to me.But when his brother and sister come it might be different.

But he said he hopes to get most of his gifts and merry Christmas.

nov blog finley

Wydown play
On November 10th, 2016, the 5th grade of the Clayton School District went to a play from the Wydown Middle School. Their teachers thought it was a good idea because it would show how fun it will be at Wydown Middle School and will get to know the school.
Overall most people said, “It was a funny and entertaining play.” Wydown worked so hard on the play to show how fun Wydown is.

November blog article by Stella

Slide Shock

At Glenridge school November 16 2016 many people were gathered around the slide.Everybody touching each others finger.They were formed in a half circle.Someone slides down the slide and shocks the first person's finger and it makes a loud cracking noises, it was the shock going through everybody's finger.

This all started by Samone “ she wanted to test it out to see if her idea would work” says katie, “the shock only tingled”  “ it did not hurt much only a little bit” says Additi.

Whenever there were too much people the shock did not work. It worked by someone sliding down the slide gathering momentum and they also gather electricity then everybody else who is participating stands in the circle the person sliding down the slide halts and touches the first person's finger and the electricity the person who was going down the slide gathered  he/she touches the finger and the electricity goes into everybody's finger.Many people will probably do this again in the future.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Noevember news story by Allison

It was in early November at Glenridge elementary.Today 5-B was going to Spanish as they walked in their faces lightened with joy. Rows of sugar skulls were laid out on the table from the previous class. But now it was 5-B’s turn to make them. Sra. Kennerly called groups of people up to make the sugar skulls while the other kids did a crossword puzzle. But sadly some people had to wait till tomorrow because they ran out of sugar.

    One day later……..     Blue! Pink! Orange! Yellow! Purple! So many different colors to decorate with. The kids who had made their sugar skulls were decorating while the kids who hadn’t, started today. There was a lot going on in the room, decorating, crossword puzzles, and even Mafia. But that didn’t seem to work out, let’s just say Mafia’s not the best game to play in Spanish. There were so many different designs on the skulls. Swirls, loops, dots, squiggles, and much more. When everyone finished they all played this game where 2 people would go out of the room while an anonymous person hid under a big cloth and the two people would guess who it is by asking questions about that person, of course in Spanish though. But it all came to a stop when Mrs. Barnes approached the door.  
People were sad that Spanish had ended. A fifth grader named Allison said “I wish everyday was like this!”                                                                                                             

november blog by Eliot

    5B’s Sugar Skulls

Day 1:

5B a 5th grade class was down by the Spanish room at glenridge elementary in mid November waiting to go inside. When 5B went in the room they saw some of 5S students making their sugar skulls so they new it was  the thing that they got to do that was really fun, sugar skulls!

Señora Kennerly, the school Spanish teacher, told 5B students to sit on the carpet and that she would talk to them in a moment. After 5S students left, Señora Kennerly explained to 5B students that they were making sugar skulls today.

In the classroom there were 4 tables and one table was for the sugar skull making, the other three tables were for working on the crossword, and the rest of the people sat on the carpet because the table where they were making sugar skulls was where they originally sat. As 5B was working on the crossword Señora Kennerly called up some of 5B students to make their sugar skull. After a few students made their sugar skull Señora Kennerly announced that she did not have enough sugar to make more. The people who did not get  to do their sugar skull would have to do it the next day.

Day 2:

5B was lined up at the Spanish door waiting to go in. When they got inside the room Señora Kennerly told the students that those who didn’t get to do their sugar skulls yesterday get to do it today. The students who already made their sugar skulls get to decorate them. At the end of Spanish class, 5B walked back to their classroom.
Day 3:

5B was waiting outside of the Spanish room on a D day. Señora greeted 5B in and told the students to sit on the carpet and she told the students of 5B that at the end of spanish that they should take their sugar skulls. Then she told the students that didn’t decorate their sugar skull that they would do it today. The students went to the two back tables in the room, after Señora Kennerly told the rest of the class what they were doing she told the group that was decorating on how they were going to decorate without breaking the bag. When the time was up Señora Kennerly lined 5B up so that the teacher could pick them up.
Liam Ferguson said “It was fun and a challenging project to do”

November News Story by Ian

At Glenridge Elementary School in the Makerspace in November the election month, students got the chance to vote in a simulation for the president.  The votes don’t count in the real election but it’s always fun to think it does.  In this simulation 5th grade XL group got to lead it as well as vote and the rest of the school got to just vote.  A couple days later they announced who won at our school.  Hillary Clinton won our school.  A lot of kids liked it like Madeline who said “it was very exciting and a good learning experience.  Ceci said “it was fun but she wished the whole 5th grade could have hosted it not just the gifted group”.  This event only happens every 4 years which is every election.  The gifted group was lucky to do this because only ¼ of the classes get to do that.  This was a really good learning experience.

Nov News Story by Sophie

Day Of Choirs

On Friday, November 8, fabulous things were happening in the gym- Day Of Choirs. Glenridge Elementary school was hosting PART of the event.  Kids packed onto risers, after practicing week after week to perfect these songs. Glenridge audience fills in the rest of the gym, along with middle school, and the high school show choir. It was loud in the gym, especially with most of Clayton.  The choir kids got ready to sing, as the music teacher silenced the gym. A song arose from the risers.Most of Clayton looked up at the singing. There was not much whispering, which was a good thing. The Glenridge choir sung 2 songs, Wydown sung a lot of songs,and the high school show choir sang 3. At the end, all of the choirs joined together and sang a song in harmony, Stand Together.

“It was exciting!” said a 5th grader Sophie, as the people exited out of the gym in a mad rush. Choire kids slowly, in an orderly fashion, stepped off the risers to find their teachers.     

News Story: Sugar Skulls

  Sugar Skulls
Day 1
It was November in the class of 5B the Spanish room was full of excitement as they all knew that today was the day they finally got to make the sugar skulls. But this day in their  Spanish class was different then all the other classes in the years before them.

As 5B was walking down the hall from P.E heading to art the other classes started to tell 5B that there wasn’t enough sugar for them, so when they got in the classroom instantly everybody started to ask Mrs. Kenerly (the spanish teacher that was helping them make the skulls) if there was actually not enough for their skulls. So to calm everyone down and get them under control she told them to sit down on the carpet. She said that the reason for the whole not enough sugar was because she had to buy new of the stuff that gave the skulls their shape because they were cracking and the new ones are three times as big as the ones before and she didn’t get enough sugar.

Right after Mrs. Kennerly got everyone settled down she had a wordsearch for everyone to do but 85% of the class was already finished the puzzle within ten minutes. So she just told them to check with each other while only a couple of the kids got to make their sugar  skulls because of the whole not enough sugar situation.

    Day 2
Today was the big decorating if they had made Their sugar skull already day. Some of the kids hadn’t made their sugar skulls yet so they would be making their sugar skulls while the other kids were either decorating or playing a game on the carpet. I was watching some of the kids decorate their skulls and I believe Finley's words at the beginning was:, “ Do not try to make sunglasses on your skull it doesn’t work out too well.

At the end of the day Mrs. Kennerly told 5B to come pick up the sugar skulls but it was suggested that not eat them because you would get sick if you ate all the sugar and there has been a cold going around. But a lot of people just ate it anyway.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Kids Vote

On Nov 7 the day before election day the Glenridge kids got to vote for who they wanted for president & other goverment jobs. It took place at the MakerSpace in Glenridge. Different classes got to go at some point of the day. It happened because kids got to vote. It happened on the Ipads. All classes from 5th to kindergarten got to vote. Some other schools as well did the same thing as glenridge. At Glenridge Hillary won. This helped us learn what it would be like to vote when we are adults.”Well i think that it's interesting that kids can vote for president even though it does not count and the kids decisions may be unwise.”Says Colin Weyer.”I think it's good”.Says Emily Weyer.  The election was good.  But they won't do it in another 4 years.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

November blog: Pizza Party

Pizza Party                                                       
By Claire
A  wonderful smell drifted out of Mrs. Barnes 5th grade class. They had gotten a Pizza Party in Nov. because they got an TEAMWORK award. A TEAMWORK award is an award in which every time they get a compliment they put another letter until they spell TEAMWORK. Then they get a prize.  In this case they chose an pizza party.
“It was okay.” says Siqi.
“I thought it was a lot of fun!” Liam.F says
It’s okay that some people don’t like it and some people do.  They also watched a movie. There were cupcakes, oreos, and of course, pizza! They will start to work for their next TEAMWORK award.  If you want to learn more about 5B’s party check out Cha Cha’s article!

Kindergarten Buddies Programs Robots

Kindergartners Programs Robots By Siqi

It was November 21, 2016, 5B (Mrs. Barnes’ 5th graders) and KS (Mrs. Sieve’s Kindergarten class) prepare to go to Glenridge’s Makerspace. As the 5th graders walk in, they noticed there was 2 types of robots set up in the Makerspace and the hallway, the Ozobot in the hallway, and the Osmo Tangram in the Makerspace. The Ozobot follows lines and patterns to do certain things, and the Osmo Tangram is a shape building game where you have to install an application and it will locate the location of the tangrams to complete patterns and levels, When KS came in, the 2 teachers (Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. Sieve) divided the pairs of buddies into groups, but still making sure that the kindergartners are with their buddies, They would make a switch every 20-30 minutes so everyone will get a turn on the type of robot. These robots are really interactive with kindergartners which is why the teachers organized this in the first place, Osmo Tangram helps kindergartners learn their shapes and patterns, and the Ozobot helps kindergartners learn the lines and colors. The whole organization went pretty well. “It went… Well”, well, of course, no one has a perfect buddy that would behave all the time would they??!! Wow!! Lets hope all of this programming helps kindergartners AND 5th graders in the future!!    

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

November News Story: Kids Vote

The day before US Election Day 2016 against Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton  Glenridge students voted for who will become president, senator, and attorney general for the United states of America on tablets in the makerspace. It gave the whole school a chance to feel the responsibility of voting.
Christian a fifth grader said, “We got the chance to vote which is exciting.” Lots of other fifth graders said yes mainly for the same reason as Christian. But, it started to become a problem when people started faking to like Trump or not giving a honest vote.
Ashleigh said, “Kid’s will make a joke and vote for Trump.” However Julianne claimed “Kid’s actually do want to vote for Trump. He’s doing a lot of things right.”  She continued by saying, “How did he win the real election if people want to vote for him?” Which seems true but, Ceci said to Julianne “What if it was all a joke?”
Most kids actually do follow in different footsteps as their parents when it comes to Trump. Lot of studies show that teens stay true to their parents most of the time. In total with all of Missouri kids vote %60 voted for Hillary, %33 voted Trump, and %7 voted for another candidate. But, at Glenridge Donald Trump won so most of us can’t wait for our new president elect Trump.

Slide shock by Sage

Slide Shock

Fifth grader Sage walked over to a cluster of people around the slide.  She wondered what was happening.  It was recess and she saw a lot of people jump back all at once and scream at the same time.  Something was happening but she couldn't figure it out. Almost half of the grade was touching fingers.  Than someone went down the slide and taped someone's hand and everyone jumped back. Sage thought it worked because of an electric shock but she was not sure.

Sage went over to some of her friends and got into the half circle.  Sage watched someone go down the slide wondering what was going to happen.  As they tapped the person's finger on the end Sage felt a shock at the exact same time.  

“It didn't hurt the first time,  but the second time it did.  It hurt more the second time because the last person in line was touching metal which conducts electricity”, Sophie explained.

“It was fun to do and it is interesting how the science works” Says Madeline

“It was cool but it kind of hert” Says Claire.  Sage agrees with Claire that it kind of hert.

“It was kind of scary because I just felt this immediate shock”  Says Cha Cha.

The slide shock was surely a shock to many people.  Many people liked it and thought it was very interesting.  Lots of people also wonder what else will the fifth grade class of 2016-2017 discover, explore and, learn.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Wydown Field Trip By:Claudia

Wydown Field trip  

The Whole Clayton elementary 5th grade school district were attending the Wyndown school play. Many schools came to see the show lots of people enjoyed the amazing performs and sets. The amazing play was ALICE IN WONDERLAND and Claudia says “it was sure a good wonder”

Manys did get confused too “I wasn’t sure what was going on for a small amount of time” Samara said. Overall the act was great the set was great and the cast was great.

    The costumes and sets were beautifully made but they were even better when the 6 and 7th graders made them.

Cha Cha Pizza Party November Blog

Pizza Party November Blog

“Woho” its 5 B's pizza party in November. 5B got this because they won a teamwork celebration. 5B was so excited for lunch that day. They all went out for recess.They swing on swings and slid down slides.
Until the bell rung and it was time to go inside. So they lined up outside the gate until it was time to eat.
Sage said “Their were not enough cheeto puffs.”
Stella said “I am sad that we did not get to finish the movie but we got to eat pizza and cupcakes.”
Sara says “I found it fun and interesting and liked the movie.”
5B went inside up to their classroom got their pizza got there soda got their cupcakes and cookies. Sat down at their desks.
Mrs.Barnes said “sit down kids we will be watching a movie called National Treasure.”They watched the movie and they did not get to finish it.  Maybe in the feature they will get another party like this.  

Monday, December 5, 2016

Ava's November blog article

Day Of Choirs

It  was  November  22nd,  2016  at Glenridge  elementary  school!  5th and  4th  graders  at  Glenridge    and  middle  and high  schoolers  came  to  Glenridge elementary  school  gym  to  perform.  

 5th   and  4th  graders  practiced  a  lot  but  were   still  nervous  because  4th and  5th  graders  were  also performing  a  song  with  the  middle  and  high  schoolers    and they  have  not  practiced  together.  

 The 4th and 5th graders performed two songs.

Allison   said “they did  ok   but  they  did  not  do  their   best”.

 Evan  said “ They did  really  well ,  they clearly  practiced  a lot “.

 Then Middle  school  performed.

Madeline said “ I think the middle  school  did  well”.

Then the  high  school  performed.

 Liam F.  says “ They  were  really  good”.

 Ava  said  “ They  were  better  than  everyone  else”.

 Then they all  performed  together.  

Allison  says “ It  was  great  and  I think they  should  have  practiced  together  and  then  it  would  sound  better  but  they  still  did   good”.

Over all a  lot  of  people  said  the  4th  and  5th   graders , and  middle  and  high  schoolers  performed  great  and  the  Glenridge  chorus   group  will  hope  to sound  even  better  at   the   holiday  sing!

November news story by Liam

Sugar Skulls
      By Liam

In November 2016, the 5th grade students of Glenridge Elementary School made Mexican sugar skulls to support Day Of The Dead. The Spanish teacher made the ingredients needed to make the sugar skulls happen, If you don’t know what a sugar skull is, it is a skull made of sugar decorated in icing.
The students Were all excited to hear that they would be making sugar skulls, they all said “YAY!!!” in excitement. Rhadi said “sugary!”. Ian said “I was bummed to hear that we couldn’t eat  the skulls due to germs”. Evan said “The icing part was fun and hard but seemed pretty short”. All three of the Spanish teachers (One for each of of the three elementary schools in the district) Made the Icing that would be used to decorate the sugar skulls with festive colors, They also had the special meringue sugar to make them keep their shape. The skulls got their shape by a plastic mold.

All of the the 5th grade students were bummed to hear that they couldn’t eat the sugar skull from sicknesses going around like a cold or whooping cough. But at the same time they excited to show some spirit and celebrate day of the dead in a festive and fun way.

Sugar Skulls by Sara

On November 22, 5th graders at Glenridge Elementary School met in the Spanish room to make sugar skulls for the Day of The Dead. Leaded by Senora Kennerly, these special 5th graders use plastic skull molds that they fill with sugar. They remove the extra sugar before carefully picking the mold up and letting the sugar dry. When they come back the next day, their skulls are dry and they get to decorate them with bright colored homemade frosting.

The 5th graders had many different colors to choose from, but the hot pink frosting was the most popular. The frosting was made by Glenridge teachers and was put in easy open tabs ziploc bags. The ziploc bags had a small hole cut on one of the plastic corners to deposit frosting. Senora Kennerly was showing the 5th graders how to squeeze the frosting out of the bag carefully onto the sugar skull. She first said to wipe the hole so all the dry frosting is gone. Then she showed the 5th graders how to “massage” the frosting to the hole making sure the frosting does not come out of the bag. The 5th graders got to work. The most common design I saw was small frosting dots going from the head to the bottom of the skull. Another popular design was filling the eye holes with frosting. “My favorite design was drawing swirls with the hot pink frosting all over my sugar skull.” Says 5th grader, Sara. Senora Kennerly was telling the 5th graders how to make sure the frosting would not explode. After all, it was just a ziploc bag.

Before the 5th graders left with their sugar skulls, Senora Kennerly gave the 5th graders one last warning: The sugar skull is not for eating. Senora Kennerly said this because she had a cold when the 5th graders made the sugar skulls. Also, even if she did not have a cold germs from the last class have touched the frosting and the sugar spreading lots of germs. Some of the 5th graders teased about eating the whole skull in a day. Others followed Senora Kennerly’s directions and did not eat the infected skulls. “I’m not going to eat my sugar skull.” Says 5th grader, Sara. “I don’t want to get sick.” Will you eat the sugar skulls? Have a delicious snack but get sick? Or keep it until it rots but not get sick? You choose.

School Research

                 School Research

Kida in 5B at Glenridge Elementary School on November 11th 2016 started studying a certain topic for reading and writing. They are researching topics anywhere from Dreams to Ticks. They made a post-it booklet that reminds them of what to do and they wrote a flash draft on their topics before the research. The class went to the library to check out books on their topics and then started reading the books.
Over the weekend, they were supposed to research more on their topics and create a document to put links on. On 11/21/16, they went back to their flash draft and revised them with their new information and they cut out some of their lines then glued them to another piece of paper so they could write more on that topic then stapled those papers together to make a booklet. “I think it’s fun but it’s a lot of work” says classmate, Evan.
“It’s very interesting and fun even though it can sometimes be hard,” says classmate, Madeline.

Whenever they find new information they write it in their booklet to remember. The kids are separated into 5 groups and will talk to their group members if they have trouble. In the end they will write a report on their topic. Will they write a good report?

Thursday, December 1, 2016

November News Story: America, It's Voting Time

    America, It’s Voting Time      By: Madeline

On Monday, November 7th, some students at Glenridge Elementary helped host an annual tradition called Kids Vote. Glenridge students got the chance to vote for the candidates in the presidential and state elections.
This year, the Kids Vote election for Glenridge was quite different from others. Many students did not want to vote because they did not favor either candidate. When interviewing one of the helpers Madeline, she said “I understand people do not want to vote. I know how hard it is for some people to make this decision. Kids Vote is not just about voting, it keeps a Glenridge tradition alive. But deep down, it’s about letting students put all their hard work on making this Kids Vote election an amazing experience”.  This years results turns out that Glenridge voted for all Democratic candidates and a yes to passing a voter ID law and tobacco tax.
Kids Vote took a lot of planning. Students worked on lessons to teach to each grade level and help create signs and make announcements. It was according to some “very chaotic”.  When talking about presenting lessons, another helper Sage said “ I was nervous and afraid I would mess up". On the other hand, helper Evan said “ I was feeling confident”.
No matter who people voted for or what they thought was difficult about preparing, every Glenridge student shares something in common, they all love America.  And that love is something everyone can bond over. Kids Vote was just another way to express love for the United States of America.