Friday, March 31, 2017


On 3/3/16 the 5th grade of glenridge elementary school went to the St.Louis Science Center  for a school field trip. To accommodate the astronomy unit in science. First 5th grade went to the “Makerspace” exhibit were kids (and adults) can explore making and racing mini cloth boats our make a makeshift mini parachute and see how well it catches wind. Then 5th grade went to the “Math Alive” exhibit where you  could explore how we use math in our daily lives or grab your friends, find a pose and take a 360 degree photo. When it was time for the planetarium show 5th grade walked up into the top of the planetarium. Adam says “It is a fun way to learn about the constellations.” Claire says “ The starshow was very interesting. There was a big dome with the night sky projected onto it. There were mats to lay on to somewhat represent a sleeping bag. There was  a narrator to help find important stars, constellations and planets. Overall it was a great way to learn about the night sky.      

ƒootloose by sophie

March blog

5th grade was  boarding a bus to go to wydown to see the play FOOTLOOSE being performed by wydown students. Everyone sat and got ready for the play. The play started. At wydown, people crowded onto the stage. The play started. Loose, footloose, kick off those sunday shoes!

After the play, students started laughing and talking. They said good comments about the play. Finally, the teachers lined up the students. They walked out onto the bus and waited to leave. The noise level was high, and the students
could tell that the bus driver was ready to go home.

March madness is crazy by Rhadi

                                                 March Madness 2017 is crazy

So Rhadi am a north carolina when march madness came around my bracket went north carolina VS Villanova and it got busted immediately with villanova.but at the time of making this it is the final 4 and it is oregon VS north carolina and south carolina VS and he will not be able to write this.and it is crazy how many of my friends are doubting north carolina.

So first game was NC (i'm just going to say NC for north carolina )VS texas southern,everyone new that NC was winning and they did.then it was arkansas people knew they were going to win but it came down to the wire,and we pulled it out.then it came to butler my stepdad told me butler was going to win.Rhadi knew that couldn't be true and he was right.then they played the biggest game we've seen yet NC VS kentucky.and it was kentucky up the whole game but we came back the second have of the second half.and we had the lead lead by 3 at 10 sec but then they hit a 3 and tied the game at 7.but they weren't done and we hit the game winner at the last second and won the game.Rhadi’s dad said that he was scared of kansas so now at the time of making this we are waiting on saturday for the game against but they lost to oregon.which everyone is saying oregon is going to win.but he believe in this has been a crazy m madness and i can't wait to see who wins.

100 Word Challenge

100 Word Challenge

I am a photographer. I have taken lots of beautiful photos. I love them all. But, my favorite one is of some redwood trees. That was the very first picture I took with my camera. The trees were a wonderful shade of brown. They had great power and beauty to them. You could see the texture and imagine yourself there going up to the tree and touching it and feeling the hard bark. But at the same time I was a little bit worried that my boss would not like it. He’s very picky, hopefully he’ll like it.          He did!

100 word challenge

I walked home with my hard rusty camera. I quietly slipped into my room and opened the door to my room. I was worried the camera would not work. I took out the camera, pushed my fingers on the trigger and took a picture of  a brown table, CLICK! I peered at the picture, surprised the table was not old but beautiful, it was shiny and spotless. I started looking at the cameras pictures and saw a video. It started playing, I instantly threw it in the trash can and knew why the owners before me threw it away.

March Blog Stella

At glenridge school all 5th graders went to esquire. All fifth graders got the opportunity to see hidden figures at the esquire.most said it was very inspiring.

Rhadi Smith said “ it was amazing it was the best movie of all times” and he really enjoyed it. Liam Winter had a different point of view “  I AM REALLY MAD BECAUSE I DID NOT SEE IT !!!” he was very upset about that.

In the future 5th graders will be able to see a educational movie as a field trip because all the 5th graders in 2016 - 2017 setted a good example on the esquire employes and hopefully they will have much fun.

March Madness

March madness has been going on for 76 years. And 11 5B kids get into the celebration. At the beginning of
March they filled out their brackets.
At the classroom of Mrs. Barnes. Has different opinions of who will win 40% choose Duke. 10% choose North Carolina., Kansas, Notre Dame, Kentucky, Oregon, and Michigan. There is some competition in the classroom. Sara says “I have been doing this since I was eight.” Having more experience than some people. While Madeline tells his thoughts  “It’s my first time and I did terbile” A lot of kids who are participating have at least a little basketball experience. But, this may not matter because none is playing for money.
March Madness is a bracket for college basketball teams. There are six rounds. The last two rounds are in April. Which are the final four and championship South Carolina,Oregon, North Carolina, and Gonzaga in the final four . The championship between two of the teams in the final four. Is on April 3 at 8:00. Till then Bye.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Hidden Figures By Eliot

Hidden Figures

One morning on March 16 on a Thursday 5th Grade was going on the most Inspiring movie of their life, the movie was called Hidden Figures.

5th grade got on the bus to get to the AMC Esquire, when 5th grade got to the movie theatre 5th went to a private movie theatre to watch the movie. Riley said “It was good because it had to do with girl stem and I also liked that it focused on three main characters.” Madeline said “I really enjoyed it but it was a hard life time.”

After the movie was done 5th grade walked back to school. Once they got to school they went up to their classrooms to talk about the movie Hidden Figures, after talking about the movie they packed up to go home.

March blog Mark Twain Party By Cha Cha

      Mark Twain Party

Some of the 5th graders at glenridge elementary school got to go to a Mark Twain party because they read 4 or more books that were Mark Twain nominees. This happened on March 13 2017. The library teachers planned this for them.

First the kids talked about what they read and their favorite book. Then they had a battle of the books when they got into groups to see who knew the books the best. Then they went to the cafeteria and got a snack and got to chat.

Some people had a very good time others maybe not so much. But Most peoples stand it was pretty fun.

Pi Day by Finley

On the 14 of march the class of 5B had a pi party in celebration of pi becauses of pi is 3.14… and the date was 3-14 so it's pronounced pi day. The activities that they did was some fun math packets pi themed.

100 Word Challenge by Sara

“Pose for the picture!” Says Mark. Gabriella was in a beautiful white robe in middle of the forest. The brown trees swayed with the wind. “It’s so hard to get the perfect shot!” yells Mark. He tries all different angles with the camera but it would not focus! He’s worried. He thinks his camera is broken! “What's wrong?” asks Gabriella. Mark ignored her. He stomped his foot. “Come on Mark! Gabriella said. She was getting impatient. “Just take the picture!” Gabriella was getting so frustrated she started walking away. “Come on Gabriella!” shouted Mark, but he couldn’t change her attitude.

100 Word Challenge by Christian

She is beautiful  I am  worried  she will make fun of me because  i'm ugly
Look at  her brown hair what do I do? and it is prom is anybody going to ask me to go? I’m worried I need to get home 10 min later mom i'm home up here what  are you doing getting you a prom dress  you don't have to because... I am not going you are going to go don't be like me go you only have one prom ok I will  yes I will get the camera I will put the dress on let's do this

Blog article by Breyanna

Hidden figures  

On thursday it was a early release and that was the day we were going to the theater to see hidden figures we were going to be the only people at the theater and after specials we got on the bus to see the movie when the movie came on it started with the three main characters and they broke down in the middle of the road and a police came took them to work when they got there they did their work and people did not like that there was a colored lady in the workplace they worked and then when the boss found out that they put a sign on another tea cup for her so she wouldn't touch the same one they touched and she had to go to another building to use the restroom he changed all of that. The movie was a really good movie and when we got back we talked about the movie and the last day of school that day was a very fun day.

100 word challenge

   100 word challenge
 One day when sophie and cha cha went to the zoo and cha cha brought a camera and then sophie stoll the camera and tock a picture of a beautiful cute brown panda and and cha cha was worried that sophie would drop the camera so she took it away. As they moved on to the next exhibit and say monkeys that were hanging upside down cha cha really wanted to join them and hang upside down. Sophie and cha cha had a very good and fun day at the zoo and can't wait to go again.                  

Musical parts

            Musical Parts
On March 17, 2017 Ms. Kelton announced the  musical parts for the fifth grade play. The fifth graders were anxious to see what part they got. They gathered in Ms. Skitino’s room for the announcement. Ms Kelton announced each part and the individual that would be playing that part. All of the kids were excited about their assigned parts. Macy said “I am very excited about performing with her friends. Sophie says “Happy” sara said “I was a bit surprised but I am happy that I  can be in the musical. Over all I 5th grade had a good day and are excited to be in the play.

100WC By Claudia G.

As I took a beautiful photo of a waterfall watching it glisten in the sunlight. moving my eyes away from the camera I saw a tall furry brown figure swiftly blot thou the tall pine trees upon a hill. I just had  to run after it. As I slowly climbed up the rocks I started to lose my footing soon i hit the ground. The rocks were hard and wet when i hit the ground. I never ended up seeing what that strange figure was. I am a bit worried just was it watching me?

Stranded Squad

Stranded Squad
7 5th grade students in  Mrs.Barnes class were waiting for the bus to come back and pick them up on March 9. The 7 students were left behind when there was not enough space on the bus for all of 5th grade. They had been planning to fit all of 5th grade on the bus, but they had a handicapped bus which meant that the bus had 2 less seats than planned.
“It was very fun!” Says Cha Cha, she was a part of the Stranded Squad.
Madeline, also part of the Stranded Squad says “It is the best thing that ever happened to me!”
But, the fun only lasts for so long. Soon the bus came back to pick them up.

The middle schoolers did a very good job in their play.  

March blog Ian

At Glenridge Elementary School the 5th graders got to go on a field trip to the planetarium at the science center on the 3rd of march.  So first they split up into two groups and group one went to the makerspace and the other one went to the mathalive.  The group who went to the makerspace got to test out gravity and build cities and do awesome things.  Both groups got to stay at each station for about 45 minutes or so.  At the mathalive station kids got to experiment electricity and power and 360 camera photos.  There is a lot more they got to do.  After the stations the kids went to the planetarium.  At the planetarium kids get to learn about the stars and the 2017 eclipse.  They also learned about the constellations.  Adam said “the star show was my favorite part.”  

The Stranded Squad

The Stranded Squad
By: Madeline Hellwig

On March 9th, all three Clayton Elementary Schools, Captain, Meramec, and Glenridge, attended the Wydown Spring Play, Footloose. But, a group of Glenridge students could not fit on to their school bus and had to wait for the school bus to drop the other students of before coming back to them. The students called themselves “The Stranded Squad”.
The students names were Ceci, Cha Cha, Claire, Eliot, Madeline, Quinn, and Sara. They were all in Mrs. Barnes class, the same teacher that stayed behind with them. This happened because the bus the school district had sent was a handicap bus, meaning it had less seats. All of Mrs. Barnes class boarded, the last class to get on the bus. Then the students started realizing there was no more room. So, the seven kids turned around and got off the bus. Children who had their window open were confused about how come they were not on the bus. A few minutes later, they saw the bus leave. They then stood around for a couple of minutes, talking and being silly. Then, they started walking down the street to reach the end of the street. Shortly after they got there, the bus picked them up. They got to sit wherever they wanted to. When talking to Sara, she recalled the experience by saying “It was really awesome!”. When talking to Eliot, he was asked if he would ever want to be in “The Stranded Squad” again, he answered “I would want to do it again because it was fun!”.
The group made it to the play around only a couple minutes later than their school. Thankfully, everyone made it to the musical on time. And if this ever happens again, who knows if this group will stay the same or will they change. As for “The Stranded Squad”, they will never forget that one fateful day and the bond that will forever tie them together as a group.

100 word challenge -Adam

Once upon a time there was a very worried mother. She just bought her beautiful daughter a brown camera. Now she thought that her daughter was going to break it on a really hard rock the first day she got it.

But then there was a magical fairy that cast a spell that made it so she could never break it ever as long as she lived. Sadly the girl was so clumsy that she broke the camera anyway.               


100 word challenge by cha cha

  100 word challenge

Lights Camera Action. A beautiful girl was trying out for a role to be  belle in a movie. Her hair was brown the right color she thought that this is her time to shine!! She was worried tho She had to read and act out loud it was really hard. She tried out and got the part. She was happy.

100 word challenge 2

I stepped outside into the fresh air, as the wind carelessly ruffled the grass. I took a few more steps, until I reached the gravel road, which would take me to my destination. I had been saving up for a present for my sister. I walked up to the antique store and gazed at the beautiful camera. The body was matt, but the rim was smooth. At first I was worried that I could not get enough cold hard cash to buy the brown camera, but I figured it out. I got the camera with just a dime left.

March Blog: Planetarium

The Planetarium

The fifth grade students of Glenridge Elementary School went to the planetarium to see the show. at the science center on March 3rd. They left at about 9:00 am and got there at about 9:30. When they got there, they split into two groups, then went to different exhibits. There was a math station, and an engineering station. They switched stations, the regrouped at the planetarium to watch the show. The show was about the different stars and how they form. “It was amazing with the night’s sky, and the star show.” says Adam, a fifth grade student. They mentioned that there are an infinite amount of galaxies in the universe. Afterwards, the students got the hang out in the lobby, where then they then got picked up by the bus.  They were there about 3 hours total.   

100 WC 2

100 WC

One day, my birthday, I had cake and cookies! Then the presents. There were so many! I got many different things such as a VR headset, gloves, and lots of chocolate. Then I opened the last box. It was a big hard brown box. I was worried because for a second I didn’t know what it was. Then I realized, it was a camera! The most beautiful one I ever. I knew how to work it because I had read about it. I fumbled around for the timer button and set it for 15 seconds. CLICK!

100 word challenge

Everyone wonders why Juan is always late. So today Juan is going to tell you!

There is a brown dragon. He has a camera. One day the dragon was about to eat Juan and then he tried to change the subject and he said you're beautiful. The Dragon had a hard time processing this while Juan was very worried he said the wrong thing. But  the dragon did not eat him only on one condition. Juan has to play with him every morning because he does not have friends so then that causes Juan to be late every single day.

100 word challenge By Breyanna

genie camera                                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              So one time there were two people named Jimmy and John had a brown camera that Jimmy got for him on there 12 birthday and John was worried because every night the camera would move by itself it was hard to tell people something was wrong with the camera. He had went to the zoo and took a pictures of a beautiful animal and when I went home something came out of the camera at first I thought I was dreaming but I wasn't a sleep so I was freaking out he told me he was a genie and I wished for everything and the genie was my only friend.                                                                                                                                                                                                         

100 Word Challenge by Rhadi

There was a beautiful brown skinned girl,that everyone  knew that she could act but the thought she sucked and she thought it was when she had her first she show was scared.she was the lead actress and she didn't know why.but she went hard and people it.but then the camera guy got closer and closer,and guess what closer.and on the biggest line in the play she got worried and choked the line.but played it off,and the play was finished the play.she started to like acting.became the big actress

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Musical Parts by Allison

    It was in mid March and today was an exciting day for the whole fifth grade. Every Year for fifth grade they had a musical. This musical was the great nursery rhyme disaster! Today they were going to get their musical parts back. They were all meeting in Mrs. Scotino’s class. They all sat down and waited until everyone got quiet. As Mrs. Kelton opened her mouth everyone looked to nervous. This is what everyone was waiting for.

    “Little Miss Muffet shares between Sophie and Madeline” Madeline got up to get her script from Mrs. Barnes but Sophie wasn't there because she was on vacation. Madeline said “ I was happy but shocked at the same time”. For hey diddle diddle the spoon was Ava and the dish was Allison. Ava said “ I was so excited because I got paired with a friend. But on the other hand some people were disappointed with their parts. Like Christian who got one of the dancers in the queen of hearts. He said “ I was excited because I thought I was going to get the part I wanted but I didn’t. As soon as everyone got their parts back the other two classes started heading back. “ Mrs. Mcqueen’s class line up here and Mrs. Barnes over here”. The teachers said. Everyone was excited to rehearse their parts next music class.

March Book Madness by Sara

On March 1st, 2017 5th graders in Mrs. Barnes room started voting for the book they wanted to win in March Book Madness. March book madness is kind of like the NCAA March Madness, but instead of college basketball teams, kids vote for the best middle school book.
The books were Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson, Counting by 7’s Holly Goldberg Sloan, Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library by Chris Grabenstein, Sisters by Raina Telgemeier, Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson, The Honest Truth by Dan Gemeinhart, Echo by Pam Munoz Ryan, A Night Divided by Jennifer A. Nielsen, The War That Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley, Booked by Kwame Alexander, Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt, Pax by Sara Pennypacker, The Fourteenth Goldfish by Jennifer L. Holm, El Deafo by Cece Bell, Absolutely Almost by Lisa Graff, and Crenshaw K. A. Applegate. The Elite Eight included Counting by 7’s, Sisters, The Honest Truth, A Night Divided, The War That Saved My Life, Pax, El Deafo, and Crenshaw. The Final Four included Sisters, A Night Divided, Pax, and Crenshaw. The Championship included Pax and A night Divided.
In the end, A Night Divided won and became the 2017 Champion in March Book Madness - The battle for the best book.

Musical Parts By Sage

Musical Parts

Everyone in 5th grade was excited to find out there musical parts for the musical The Great Nursery Rhyme Disaster. And now they were finally getting together as a grade to figure out what part everyone was going to get. It was Friday before spring break and all of fifth grade was in Mrs. Scotinos 5th grade classroom. Mrs. Kelton started naming the names and titles of people's roles.  Mrs. Kelton divided the role of little Ms. Muffet. The role of little Ms. Muffet was split between two girls, between Madeline and Sophie who was out of town anyway so her friend Sage had to call and tell her about what her role was.  

The Great Nursery Rhyme Disaster is about little Ms. Muffet who gets tired of always getting scared by that scarry little spider. So she goes to join a new rhyme and soon the rhymes get super mixed up.

“I really wanted the queen of hearts and I was sooooo happy when I got her as my role.”  Says Sage very happy with her role.

The 5th graders have been working very hard on their musical and hopefully will turn out very well.        

100 WC, Sage

Once there was a magical camera one of the magical things it could do was make a ugly brown picture beautiful.  The owners of the camera were worried that the camera would get stolen by the evil king for the camera could do a lot more than take pictures it had magic beyond imagination.  One day the worry of the owners of the camera came true.  The camera was taken by the evil king and they had to steal it back.  It was hard to get back they had to fight the most fierce dragon to get the camera back.

Dr. Seuss Day

Dr.Seuss Day
On Dr.Seuss day at glenridge elementary kids got to dress up in there pjs for the day! In fifth grade we had a mystery reader come in and read us the book Green Eggs and Ham one of my favorite books! When we had quite reading time we got to have Goldfish and and a special treat that ceci and her mom made which were delicious! At last period we went down stairs and made Dr.Seuss hats with are buddies. Then after we made Dr.Seuss hats with are buddies we got read Dr.Seuss books to are buddies which I thought was pretty fun. I ask my brother Jack what his favorite part of Dr.Seuss day and he said was when a parent came in and read a Dr.Seuss book and they got to eat Goldfish. My favorite part was that we got to be in our pjs all day! So know when to have Dr.Suess day at glenridge in for a full day of fun!

                _ Riley

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

100 WC by Eliot

The Brown bear and the camera competition

One beautiful day a brown bear was taking a picture with his camera for a competition. The bear was worried that he would not have a good picture to turn into the competition. He was so stressed that he said it was to hard so he pouted home and then he was about to quit until he saw a family of deer playing so the bear grabbed his camera and took the shot and then he turned in his picture in and so he waited. A week later he got his big competition results, his picture was in first place.

By Eliot   

100 word challenge by Ian

I was worried.  My parents were going to be home in 5 minutes, and I had to clean up and hide my broken camera.  I just got the camera!  Too bad we have very hard, tile floors instead of hardwood or laminate floors.  The camera was brown and beautiful.  I paced around the room thinking of something to do.  Just then, my front door went “ding dong,” which meant that I was going to be in big trouble.  The door creaked and slowly opened while I was standing there speechless.  Then, I realized it wasn’t my parents.  

100 Word Challenge by Finley

Josh was going on a huge trip. He was going to to work as a extreme landscape  photographer. He planned a weeklong trip to photograph Mount Everest. He packed his hard-shell brown suitcase filled with his camera equipment. He worried about how the airline would handle his precious and extremely expensive cameras.

Once he reached earths highest point John was able to see the world like he had never seen it before. It was beautiful the way the jagged edges of the mountain looked  against the cold blue sky. His photo was powerful and it won him the Barnes award !

100 Word Challenge by Madeline

100 Word Challenge

One day, Camille went to the jewelry store. The month before, she had taken pictures with her mother’s camera of the jewelry she had wanted but could not get because her mother did not have her wallet. Now that she is back, she started searching for that one beautiful golden necklace. After an hour of searching, she concluded it was sold and no longer there. Tears trickled down her face. She was crushed. She soon left the store, hand and hand with her mom. On the way out, she broke her toe on a hard, brown rock. “WHY!!!”, she hollered.

the 100 word challenge by Riley

100 word challenge

One day I went to Hawaii! It was hard to get there. But it was all worth it in the end because I got to take beautiful pictures with my camera! But on  accident I took a picture of the groes brown dirt. I was worried I wasn't going to get enough pictures taken! But I did. Luckily I got home before the rainstorm came. When I got my assignment back I had got an A+!               _ Riley

100 Word Challenge

I was so lazy when my teacher asked for the 100 word challenge. I grabbed my camera and took a picture of my beautiful face. I thought that I could edit it. But, it it was hard. My brown hair looked like it was green. I wish I didn’t tell you because now I’m worried you will ask for that photo. So next time your teacher tells you do the 100 word challenge just say I was going to talk about a photo I edited. But, it didn’t turn out. So that's how I didn’t do my 100 word challenge.

Monday, March 27, 2017

100 Word Challenge By Allison

Lights, Camera, Action! We were making final touches to the performers before the performance started. The musical was Hamilton, The Scyhlar Sisters. One of my favorite things about it is the beautiful dresses, and of course I like the best is mine. It’s brown and white with flowers on it. Although the musical is great, one thing that is hard about it is memorizing the words, the tempos and tunes are tiring! Also I get worried about falling off or on the stage since we’re so close, the moving around and the high heels makes it worse! Well gotta go!

Conferences By Pepper


The 5th grade of glenridge elementary had student led conferences to show their parents how they had become experts on the topics they have learned.They were so good to the point where they can be a teacher on that topic. This was in the month of march. The students spent days preparing for their conference.

The 5th grade students of glenridge elementary were going to have conferences but they’re leading them. The students chose a topic in each homeroom subjects. They prepared for the topics for days.The stations were: Math with multiple topics like decimals, Socials studies had topics like Colonies etc. The students brought their parents in on their conference day, They took their parents to each station teaching them about it and having them do some of it. “I thought they were pretty good and went well.” Christian said.

The students were excited to lead their conference and become the teacher on topics they were experts on. Their will be more conferences in their future.

100 Word By Liam F.

Zack love’s skateboarding and he had just learned a new trick. He had asked his friend Jack to film on a brand new camera, Zack was worried that Jack would drop it. When Jack started recording and Zack had done his new trick Jack saw a beautiful girl and started walking towards her. Jack tripped on a rock with the camera still in hand and hit the ground hard, then the camera came down and fell in a brown murky puddle and was destroyed. Zack and Jack became mortal enemies and started world war III. Don’t ever trust clumsy friends.

100 Word Challenge by Liam

My house was the most beautiful thing you would ever see. It was like a piece of art. Dark brown like a castle. Sometimes I would take pictures of it with my camera. It was hard to ever think of leaving it. Everyday I come home worried because my dad got a job in the military.  He was a pilot. Wars swept like a hurricane they never stayed in the same place. My dad had a job in britian as a RAF (royal air force pilot. That means big money but it also meant leaving the house in NY. FOREVER.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

100 Word Challenge by Breyanna

My name is Lillian I just about to go to work and I was about to go to work and then I had to take my

little sister to school. Then I had to get breakfast and I did this every day every week after I got breakfast I went to Starbucks to get all my workers coffee because they never get breakfast and then today I got into traffic I was on the highway for 1 hour. Then my manager asked me to look up what is a blobfish today.So that is why I'm always last.  

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Adam's 100 word challenge

One day I was walking down a sidewalk I was stepping  on every crack testing my luck. Then a ghost women emerged out of the sidewalk, her face was red with anger. You could see that she was quite angry with my actions. The sky instantly turned black as the devil's soul. Her voice boomed as she said “how dare you go out of your way just to step on all the cracks!!!” I was wondering why this was such a crime but she before you could say “oops” she was casting a curse on me. She said a weird curse like “this is the curse of last, from now on you will never be able to be first you will ALWAYS be last. I walked away thinking this was not possible but I have never been first again. So that is why i am always last

Quinn's 100 Word Challenge

I was about to go on a vacation to London. I was late again because I stayed up all night  and that is why I am always last to my flight. This isn’t the FIRST time this happen to me it's happened to me about 12 times! I was thinking ”OH boy this is gonna be a rough day”.So my flight to London already took off and I had to wait for about a good 7 hours for the next flight to London.Man lemme tell you it was hard. I saw a kid throwing a HUGE fit and i'm pretty sure the mother was embarrassed.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

100 word challenge by cha cha

This is a story about lily and she is last in about almost everything. Its sad. It's like her catchphrase is “so that is why I am always last.” But this time its her time to shine. Lily wants to win this reading competition she will be the fastest reader their! She practices until it is time for the competition.  Hopes are high she has practiced in front of many people. But the person before her is really really fast she loses her hope. Once she starts reading she gets faster. She wins the competition  her and family are proud.

100 word challenge by Christian

My heart was beating hard I can see the finish line but I don’t know if I am going to make it but I am right there what am I going to do should I push myself or should I stop if I stop I will lose and people will make fun of me what will I do 2 months before the incident  hi my name is rick and I over think things I am an overthinker but I can maybe sorta control it not really but it does not help me so that is why I am always last

100 word challenge by macy

I could feel the wind brushing against my face i was so close and then it happened she tripped me and i went from first place to 8th and this is why i am always last because of her. It is like she is a big shadow that rises over me and can't let the sun shine through. She makes sure i always lose no matter what the consequences are. This is what i have had to live with for 3 years and the only reason she dose this is because of the last championships that comes every 4 years.

100 Word Challenge by Allison Z.

Everyone is excited for a new school year right? Making new friends, getting a new teacher. Well I am too but there’s just one thing in particular that makes me so frustarated! “First in line Sage Bernstein, 5th in line Ceci Dupor, 19th in line Ava Vetter, and guess who’s last. That’s right me, Allison Zhang, #24. If you don’t know about how line order works let me explain. It depends on your last name, and as you can see i’m the only Z. This has has been going on since KINDERGARTEN! So that is why I am always last.

100 word challenge

One Hundred Words

One day at recess, Luke ran to go to the  foursquare court, like he usually did. Then, out of nowhere, Mike and his posse went up to Luke and took turns shoving him around. When they finally let him go, he went to the four square count. He turned to his friend Barry and said “And that is why I am always last!”. The next day Luke and friend went to the teacher and told him what was happening. The teacher quickly and effectively made Mike stop.

100 word challenge

I added the finishing touches on my beautiful glazed pot by adding chocolate bits to the inside.I placed it on a tray and entered it to the judge. Time passed. Years went by as I was waiting for the results in the waiting room. And finally the judge said- “And the winner, who took the most time, adding each detail, bit by bit.” I didn't know how long everyone else took, but I took a long time. “ Jane Rosemary!!” I was proud. I won. And so I said to my mom,
“So THAT is why I am always last!!”

100 Word Challenge #1

Amila hated being last but, it seemed she always was. She was last in reading her book group book. She thought “What do I do.” She thought it could have something to do that she always took notes. She stopped but, her group got mad. But, she finished faster. She then said “I will simply just only write.” But, they got mad because they could never meet because she didn’t read. So she thought and thought “That's why I’m always last.” So she decided to take notes after. Amila was so happy. Now she could read fast and in time.

100 WC

At my Magics school everyone is so great at magics then there’s me. During soccer battles I can’t get the ball so i’m told to sit on the side-lines till the lower magics group has their turn. The groups go from A-F I’m in D. In the game you have the ball but with others Magics top over yours. Whoever has the best skill in magics is the one with most control. You try to get the ball in the goal. But groups E,F, don’t conpet. That leaves my group so that is why I am always last.

100 Word Challenge by Sara

Rachel fixes her goggles and takes a big, deep breath. She adds water to her mixture. The rest of her class has already left. “Rachel, I think you might want to save this for tomorrow.” says Mr. Koelen, Rachel’s science teacher. “I’m fine,” says Rachel. “I just need to add some olive oil…” Rachel slowly adds a drop of olive oil to the mixture. The mixture explodes everywhere. says Mr. Koelen. “Not everything has to be perfect.” says Mr. Koelen. Rachel feels like a bullet has hit her “So that’s why I am always last,” she says. “I never noticed!”